European Health Forum Gastein 2015 – Conference Outcomes

27. Oktober 2015



– This is not a refugee crisis, this is a reception crisis. Human mobility is the new norm in our increasingly globalised world.

– We need “more Europe” – deeper cooperation – to develop a comprehensive, sustainable and collective strategy to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by key societal challenges. The costs and consequences of non-Europe should be considered.

– There should be clearer, stronger leadership from the EU in those areas where it has a mandate. In today’s interconnected world, the EU needs to think globally and act locally.

– We need joint cooperation between all stakeholders on access to medicines and innovation in order to achieve transparency, solidarity and trust in this area.

– A paradigm change is needed in the way we finance, organise and operate our health systems. Particularly to take into account demographic changes, rising healthcare costs, new patterns of disease and a shortage of skilled health workers. Strengthened primary healthcare, a better workforce skills-mix and technological innovations amongst other things can play a major role here.

– We need to build in mechanisms to ensure joint accountability for Health in All Policies (HiAP) across government ministries and European institutions. Improved inter-sectoral collaboration is a pre-condition for health security.

– We must make better use of existing EU mechanisms to address health challenges. We need better implementation of existing regulations and awareness raising campaigns so that citizens and policy-makers are aware of what is already available.

– “Citoyen” participation is required to secure health in Europe: empowered, health literate citizens should be directing decision-making on health.

– We should analyse and act on the data we have, and persist in better translating research evidence into policy recommendations. Where appropriate we should capitalise on new forms of data for health purposes. We need to move towards disseminating health intelligence rather than health information.

– The time for action is now, and in our actions let’s remember the core values and objectives upon which the European Union was founded.


Missed the conference? You can access the full version of the The Gastein Health Outcomes 2015, read our blog report, and view our pictures on Flickr – or even whole sessions by accessing our EHFG 2015 webcasts (Username: EHFG2015 Password: Gastein2015).


Stay tuned for our full Conference Report and mark your calendars for next year:

>>SAVE THE DATE – EHFG 2016 – 28 – 30 September 2016<<


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