Global Perspectives in Nursing

22. Januar 2016

Start: 2nd July 2016, Cordoba, Argentina.child family health international

In 2001 Argentina experienced the worst economic collapse of its history, yet since then, the country has been on a path to economic growth and social inclusion. Over the last several years, there has been a concerted effort to provide care to those without insurance through a decentralized network of primary and secondary clinics and hospitals.

Travel to Argentina and experience this changing landscape and the central role nurses play in providing health care and patient support. Join nurse preceptors and others while comparing and contrasting the differences in nursing globally in some of the oldest and most renowned teaching hospitals in Latin America.

Experience the university town of Cordoba, the second largest city in Argentina. Under the supervision of nurse preceptors rotate within a variety of specialties including pediatrics, surgical care, oncology, dermatology, and intensive care. Depending on education and experience, participants may administer medications, triage, take vital signs, dress wounds, administer IVs, etc. under the supervision of local preceptors.

Join healthcare teams comprised of nurses, physicians, nursing and medical students, and residents, working together to provide patient care. Take part in lectures and discussions on case studies. In addition, participants may partake in activities through the local nurses’ association, such as workshops, lectures, and social gatherings. Beyond clinical rotations, students may choose to visit with patients without families or volunteer with handicapped children at the pediatric hospital.

By the end of the program, participants will have an understanding of the role played by nurses in South America and the special patient-provider relationship unique to Latin American medicine.


Who Can Apply?

This CFHI program is ideal for students of all levels with an interest in health and medicine in urban settings. The program offers an overview of primary and tertiary care through visits and experiences within hospitals and clinics, as well as Spanish classes with medical Spanish instruction. To confirm you may apply, please read CFHI’s general eligibility requirements.

For more information click here.


Tip: More up to date educational events  can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.