ADAM Course (Aintree Difficult Airway Management)

17th February 2017, Liverpool, United Kingdom.airway_course

ADAM’s ethos is to prevent critical incidents arising during airway management by scrupulously avoiding preventable problems attributable to the patient, equipment and/or anaesthetist. Inspired by the approach of the aviation industry, it makes use of checklists to ensure ALL problems are identified preoperatively. The course is aimed at anaesthetists of all grades and skill levels as well as ODAs, so a true team approach to airway management is fostered.

The course uniquely provides a structured approach for dealing with the anticipated difficult airway offering a step-by-step guide to:

1. Patient assessment

Problem lists identify all the potential hazards associated with particular pathology.

2. ‚Best Plan‘ selection

Some techniques are better than others for dealing with a patient’s particular problems. ADAM highlights the advantages and disadvantages of all plans facilitating objective decision making.

3. Flawless execution of the ‚Best Plan‘

Referring to ‚contingency tables‘ tailored to a particular patient, all the plan’s inherent hazards are highlighted preoperatively enabling the anaesthetist to avoid them altogether or plan how to deal with effectively should they arise.

General information

17th February 2017

30th June 2017

20th October 2017

Location: Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool L9 7AL, United Kingdom

Find more information on the ADAM course here. 


Published in GI-Mail 12/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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