Kompetenzprofile professioneller Pflege – internationale Perspektiven

7. August 2019
2 Personen_Intensivbett

Im Pflegebereich ist vieles in Bewegung geraten. Dr. Michael Ewers veranschaulicht in seinem Vortrag, wie sich professionelle Pflege künftig entwickelt. (Going International Information Services) Die Pflege steht vor der wachsenden Herausforderung, die pflegerische Versorgung auch zukünftig auf allen Ebenen sicherzustellen. Sowohl bei der Qualifizierung der Pflege als auch bei der […]

Hacking for Health at the European Health Forum Gastein 2019

9. August 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of European health and health policy, the EHFG is the place to be. Even more so this year, when we are inviting health professionals, IT specialists, marketing experts and others to join […]

Innovations in Health and Social Care – Enhancing Health and Wellbeing in Europe

6. August 2019

3rd December 2019, Brussels, Belgium. The economy of wellbeing is one of the umbrella themes for the health and social sector during the Finnish Presidency. The event focuses on enhancing a structured cooperation across member states to generate evidence for policy making that will support European health and social care […]

Weltkongress der Ganzheitsmedizin 2020

6. August 2019

8. bis 10. Mai 2020, München, Deutschland. Der Kongress der Ganzheitsmedizin, veranstaltet vom Institut für Ganzheitsmedizin e.V., findet vom 8. bis zum 10. Mai 2020 in München statt. Naturheilkundige, SchamanInnen, Traditionelle HeilerInnen, ÄrztInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen aus aller Welt treffen sich in der Alten Kongresshalle in München, um ihr Wissen miteinander […]

Monkeypox: Introduction

2. August 2019

Start: anytime, online course. Monkeypox is a rare virus transmitted to humans from infected animals, most commonly rodents. It can then spread among humans but there is no evidence to date that person-to-person transmission alone can sustain the disease in the human population. Symptoms are similar to those seen in past […]

World Extreme Medicine 2019 (#WEM19)

2. August 2019

23rd to 25th November 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. #WEM19 is an exciting platform for medical minds to share experiences, innovations, best practise, promote cross-disciplinary working and generate new research. Over three days, the World Extreme Medicine „Thriving in Adversity“ Conference will serve as a springboard for inspiring approaches and new thinking to medical […]

Suchtmedizin – Kursweiterbildung

2. August 2019

14. bis 18. Oktober 2019, Freiburg, Deutschland Abhängigkeitserkrankungen begegnen beinahe täglich jeder Ärztin, jedem Arzt, ob in der Praxis oder im Krankenhaus tätig. Besonders der Substanzmissbrauch von Alkohol, Nikotin, stimulierenden Substanzen und auch Medikamenten bei Jugendlichen sowie Spielsucht stellt eine unübersehbare Herausforderung für die Ärzteschaft insgesamt dar. Suchtmedizin ist  deshalb […]

ICHDH 2019: International Conference on Healthcare and Digital Health

2. August 2019

12th to 13th December 2019, Rome, Italy. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. The International Conference on Healthcare and Digital Health aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research […]

Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy Congress 2019 (MAP 2019)

2. August 2019

7th to 9th November 2019, London, UK. Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy Congress 2019 is a unique meeting established by global opinion leaders. The congress aims to integrate insights from tumour sample analysis into daily practice. The MAP Congress has grown into an influential, highly interactive forum which is a natural […]

CORE Concepts Course

1. August 2019

8th to 9th November 2019, Rosemont, IL, USA.  Immerse yourself into the world of diabetes education. Explore the fundamentals of diabetes self-management education through case studies, interactive discussions and hands-on activities with other healthcare professionals. The goal of CORE Concepts® is to illustrate clinical management and diabetes self-management education tools that are most […]