The European Congress on Innovation in Diabetes

21. Dezember 2018

4th to 5th March 2019, Vienna, Austria. The European Congress on Innovation in Diabetes (Diabetes-Innovations 2019), the first congress to comprehensively focus on nanotechnology, will take place from 4th to 5th March 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Diabetes technology has developed over the last decades to become an essential component of diagnosis and care […]

Poverty and Social Protection Conference 2019

20. Dezember 2018
Tomorrow people Logo

9th to 11th March 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. We are proud to invite you to join us at the 12th Annual Poverty and Social Protection Conference (PSPC 2019), that will take place from March 9th to 11th 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference is organized by Tomorrow People Organization, an internationally recognized non-profit […]

Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics

20. Dezember 2018

Start: anytime, online. If you’ve ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your head, then you’re in the right place. You may be a clinical practitioner reading research articles to keep up-to-date with developments in your field or […]

Expedition Skills 2019

20. Dezember 2018

8th to 12th July 2019, Lake District, England, UK. Expedition Skills is a unique camping based multi-disciplinary programme run over 5 days and delivered by Wilderness Medical Training (WMT) and Wild Human at a remote, lake-side camp (close to Windermere) in the Lake District, England. You’ll learn expedition-proven skills ranging […]

Welt-Lepra-Tag 2019

20. Dezember 2018

Am 27. Januar 2019 findet der Welt-Lepra-Tag statt. Der Welt-Lepra-Tag ist ein Aktions- und Gedenktag, der 1954 eingeführt wurde auf Initiative durch Raoul Follereau in Erinnerung an den Todestag von Mahatma Gandhi. Er findet immer am letzten Sonntag im Januar statt. Lepra ist eine chronische Infektionskrankheit, die durch das Bakterium Mycobacterium […]

Youth Mental Health: Helping Young People with Anxiety

20. Dezember 2018
University of East Anglia

Start: 4th February 2019, online course. Anxiety is a common condition experienced by young people that can escalate to a point where it impacts on their general wellbeing and activities of daily living, brain development and performance at school or college. If untreated the risk of developing chronic and enduring […]

Symposium for Emerging Viral Diseases

20. Dezember 2018

10th to 12th April 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. Within a short time frame, research on emerging viruses has changed from a small, rather exotic niche within the virology field to a topic of major public health interest, also raising tremendous attention in the community and in the public. In our 12th […]

Women Deliver 2019 Conference

19. Dezember 2018

3rd to 6th June 2019, Vancouver, Canada. The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will take place 3-6 June 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and will be the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century. It will serve as a […]

71st Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)

19. Dezember 2018

25th to 27th February 2019, Göttingen, Germany. During the 71st Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology recent progress in all aspects of microbiology and infectious diseases will be discussed. During plenary sessions renowned scientists from all over the world will present and discuss their most current […]

Equitable Access and Universal Health Coverage Should Be a Reality for All Patients, Everywhere

11. Dezember 2018

by Katie Gallagher, European Patients’ Forum (EPF). In contrast with the UN Sustainable Development Goal on Health, disparities in access to healthcare in Europe are increasing and while universal health coverage is a well-recognised goal for all healthcare systems in the EU, this basic right is not yet a reality […]