The Health Effects of Climate Change

31. Oktober 2018
Harvard University

Start: 3rd January 2019, free online course. Our world’s climate is changing. Of the top twenty hottest years ever recorded, sixteen have occurred in the last two decades. This warming has already had a profound effect. Many feel powerless in the face of this challenge, but you can make a […]

23. Jahreskongress OEGMKG Bad Hofgastein 

31. Oktober 2018

29. Jänner bis 1. Februar 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Österreich. Der 23. Jahreskongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie ist der Ästhetik in unserem Fachgebiet gewidmet. Es ist das Ziel, diesen Aspekt, der von Patientenseite, wie auch aus ärztlicher Sicht höchsten Stellenwert hat, aus möglichst vielen Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Daneben wird […]

Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA)

31. Oktober 2018

Start: anytime, online course. The Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA) tool is a framework for using existing influenza surveillance data to determine a qualitative judgment on the severity of a current influenza epidemic or pandemic in comparison to past epidemics and pandemics. In this context, severity refers to how many […]

Ärztliche Gesprächsführung im klinischen Alltag

31. Oktober 2018

Kursbeginn: 11. März 2019, Nürnberg, Deutschland. Interaktive Fortbildung für Ärzte Eine gelungene Kommunikation zwischen Patient und Arzt ist eine unbedingte Voraussetzung für eine qualifizierte medizinische Behandlung. Sachlich inhaltlich geht es um Informationsgewinnung auf der einen und Informationsvermittlung auf der anderen Seite. Ein offener Austausch über alle relevanten Informationen ist erst dann […]

European Health Forum Gastein 2018 challenges Experts to Think Big and Make Bold Political Choices for Agenda 2030

10. Oktober 2018

The 21st edition of the European Health Forum Gastein, an event on the Austria EU presidency calendar, concluded on the 5th October 2018 with 600 leading health policy experts agreeing on the need to set bold political choices for health system sustainability in Europe. Experts acknowledged the necessity to avoid […]

EpidM Winter Courses in Epidemiology 2019

4. Oktober 2018

9th to 23rd January 2019, Amsterdam or Soesterberg, Netherlands. In 2019 EpidM (Department for Epidemiology and Biostatistics) organizes for the seventh time the Winter Courses in Epidemiology . From 9th to 23rd January 2019 EpidM offers a very interesting program which covers courses in Mixed Model Analysis, Clinimetrics, Clinical Prediction […]

10th International Conference on Research in Life Sciences and Healthcare (ICRLSH)

2. Oktober 2018

30th to 31st December 2018, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. This project together with two other projects, “Improving Hand Hygiene Adherence Using Combined WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy and IHI Virtual Breakthrough Series Collaborative” and “Improving Patient Satisfaction Index using Combined Service Excellence Programme and IHI Virtual Breakthrough Series Collaborative” have been […]

Course in Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance

27. September 2018

Start: anytime, online course. Learn mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve perfomance  Stressed by the pace of modern life? Mindfulness might be the answer. Research shows that when you’re not deliberately paying attention to something, your brain goes into default mode causing increased anxiety and poor communication. Mindfulness can […]

Alpine Medicine Course

27. September 2018

20th to 25th January 2019, Julian Alps, Slovenia. An exciting and comprehensive 6-day Alpine Medicine course is designed to open the world of expedition medicine to doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical professionals wanting to add adventure into their career. This new course blends winter mountaineering skills, advanced expedition medicine […]

6th International Conference on Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Public Health

26. September 2018

10th to 11th December 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Allied Academies in collaboration with its editorial board members along with institutional partners is very delighted to invite you all to the 6th International Conference on Tropical Medicine, Neglected  Infectious Tropical Diseases and Public Health which is going to be held on 12th to […]