Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: Introduction

26. September 2018

Start: anytime, online course. This introductory level online course aims to equip frontline responders with introductory level knowledge to manage MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). By the end of this course participants should be able to summarize symptoms, treatment, and prevention of MERS, describe transmission routes of MERS-CoV, […]

18th Annual Caribbean Dermatology Symposium

26. September 2018

15th to 19th January 2019, Cayman Islands. Join us in the Cayman Islands for four days of cutting-edge education in managing diseases of the skin. The 18th Annual Caribbean Dermatology Symposium, being held from 15th to 19th January 2019, at the Westin Grand Cayman is an educational program led by internationally-known faculty who will provide the latest […]

Chirurgie Update 2019

26. September 2018

15. bis 16. Februar 2019, Wiesbaden, Deutschland 22. bis 23. Februar 2019, Berlin, Deutschland. In nur zwei Tagen „up to date“ für‘s ganze Jahr: ein umfassender Rundumblick über 14 Themengebiete der Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie, topaktuelle spannende Studienergebnisse und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für Ihren Arztalltag. Als von Ihnen gewünschte Hot Topics finden […]

Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research

26. September 2018

8th to 10th April 2019, Bangor, United Kingdom. This 2-day short course in Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research will take place from 8th to 10th April 2019, building on 20 years of our experience in teaching health economics to public health practitioners and those undertaking research in […]

Winds of Change over Turbulent Seas: the Future of Refugee and Migrant Health in Europe

25. September 2018

28 September 2018, online. On the 28th of September 2018 WHO/Europe will host the seventh in a series of webinars dedicated to addressing the timely and relevant topic of refugee and migrant health and well-being. The upcoming webinar will discuss the challenges and opportunities in improving the health of refugees […]

2nd European Conference of Health Workforce Education and Research

20. September 2018

9th to 10th January 2019, Dublin, Ireland. We are very pleased to announce that the 2nd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons (Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn) in Dublin, Ireland on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th January 2019. Hosted in collaboration […]

Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft an der UMIT

6. September 2018
Master-Studium Pflegewissenschaft an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol

Das Studium für zukünftige EntscheidungsträgerInnen in der Pflege Das Department für Pflegewissenschaft und Gerontologie an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol bietet mit dem Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft eine fundierte pflegewissenschaftliche und zugleich auch pflegefachspezifische Ausbildung. Im Rahmen des Studiums können Sie bereits erworbene Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten vertiefen. Im Schwerpunkt Advanced Nursing Practice im 4. Semester werden mit […]

11th European Public Health Conference

6. September 2018

28th November to 1st December 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The annual EPH conferences are considered the premier European gatherings of public health professionals worldwide. Delegates include researchers, policymakers, practitioners and teachers in public health and many other related fields. Sharing knowledge The 11th EPH Conference offers excellent opportunities to learn from […]

8th European Alcohol Policy Conference

5. September 2018

20th to 21st November 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland.   SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems) and Eurocare (The European Alcohol Policy Alliance) are the organisers of the 8th European Alcohol Policy Conference (8EAPC), which will be hosted at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20th and 21st November 2018. This is the eighth […]

European Health Forum Gastein 2018: Health and Sustainable Development – Bold Political Choices for Agenda 2030

5. September 2018

3rd to 5th October 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. This year the EHFG is an official event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We invite you to strengthen the case for European action on health and move forward. What priorities do we need to set, which risks should […]