Universitätslehrgang Interdisziplinäre Schmerzmedizin

6. September 2017

Start: 05.10.2017, Wien, Österreich.   Nur noch wenige Restplätze verfügbar! Anmeldungen für den Postdoc Universitätslehrgang für interdisziplinäre Schmerzmedizin an der Medizinischen Universität Wien laufen. Bereits im Oktober 2017 startet der sechste europäische postgraduelle Universitätslehrgang für Interdisziplinäre Schmerzmedizin (ismed) an der Medizinischen Universität Wien. In den letzten 10 Jahren seines Bestehens hat […]

Getting ready for the 20th European Health Forum Gastein

5. September 2017

“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating”[1] In about three weeks, it is that time of the year again when more than 500 people travel to the Gastein Valley. Not for holiday, but to discuss what concerns us all – health. From 4th […]

Certificate in Health Economics & Outcomes Research

31. August 2017

27th September 2017 to 8th June 2018, Online Course. Many countries today struggle with how to deploy and manage their health care resources. Institutions, agencies, ministries and governments rely on well-trained experts to help them control costs and better manage their health care technologies, systems and infrastructure. In this three-course […]

IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition

31. August 2017

15th to 20th October 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina.   The IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition is a four yearly meeting that’s been held since 1946. Its 21st edition will be based in Buenos Aires for the first time in its history. It is my pleasure to invite you to experience […]

One month in Taipei – my clinical elective abroad

30. August 2017

By Anna Schütz. As I am a person who is interested in getting to know different cultures and countries, in my 4th year of medical school I decided to do a clinical elective abroad. My university, the Medical University of Graz, has a very supportive exchange program, for which I […]

Essentials of Global Health

30. August 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. “Essentials of Global Health” is a comprehensive introduction to global health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured, clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from? […]

2-teilige Veranstaltung: Meine erste eigene Ordination

30. August 2017

10. und 24. Oktober 2017, Wien, Österreich. Informieren Sie sich an zwei Tagen bei ExpertInnen zum Thema Praxisgründung und nutzen Sie diese Chance zur kostenlosen Weiterbildung. Melden Sie sich hier an für den 10. Oktober 2017 und für den 24. Oktober 2017. Veranstaltungstermin: 10. Oktober 2017, ab 18.30 Uhr 24. Oktober […]

IDF Congress 2017: Shape the Future of Diabetes

30. August 2017

4th to 8th December 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The global diabetes community will again unite at the IDF (International Diabetes Federation) 2017 Congress in Abu Dhabi, on 4-8 December 2017. The event will include more than 200 speakers, both world-renowned and newcomers, 230 national diabetes associations from 170 countries […]

Endo Club Nord 2017

30. August 2017

03. bis 04. November 2017, Hamburg, Deutschland. Wie immer bietet der ENDO CLUB NORD Lehrreiches und Interessantes für Endoskopiker und Endoskopie-Assistenz. Am Freitag gibt es einzelne spezielle Live-Fälle, die noch ausführlicher als bisher gezeigt und diskutiert werden. Am Samstag werden die Fälle vom Vortag und vom Vorjahr mit Evidenz- und […]

European Master in Public Health (Europubhealth+)

28. August 2017

The application period for 2018 will open on 10th October 2017. Europubhealth+ is a two year Master’s course equivalent to 120 ECTS Credits. The first year concerns core competences in public health, and takes place either in Sheffield (in English) or Granada (in Spanish). In the second year, students choose […]