Health at a Glance: Europe 2016

12. Mai 2017

This fourth edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents key indicators of health and health systems in the 28 EU countries, 5 candidate countries to the EU and 3 EFTA countries. This 2016 edition contains two main new features: two thematic chapters analyse the links between population health and labour […]

Volunteer experience at Paray Mission Hospital, Lesotho

9. Dezember 2024

By Bianca Klee. Waking up every morning with a beautiful sunrise over the green mountains has been a dream come true for me. Every morning, I appreciate the marvelous view from my window on the mountains of Thaba-Tseka (Lesotho). One can observe the fascinating play of the sun and the […]

Among Shepherds and Blankets – My Experiences as a Volunteer in the Mountain Kingdom

5. Mai 2017

By Bianca Klee. Waking up every morning with a beautiful sunrise over the green mountains has been a dream come true for me. Every morning, I appreciate the marvelous view from my window on the mountains of Thaba-Tseka (Lesotho). One can observe the fascinating play of the sun and the […]

Wieso ich als Assistenzarzt lieber in der Schweiz als in den USA arbeiten möchte

5. Mai 2017

Erfahrungsbericht von Christoph Eckharter. Da ich aufgrund meiner durch Famulaturen gewonnenen Einblicke sowie durch Medienberichte gegenüber einer ärztlichen Weiterbildung in Österreich negativ gestimmt war, wollte ich mich im klinisch praktischen Jahr nach Alternativen umschauen und habe sowohl in der Schweiz (Universitätsklinikum Basel), als auch in den USA (Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia) in […]

MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care

4. Mai 2017

Start: October 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom. Oxford’s new MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care builds on the world-leading research in nanomedicine at the University’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering and other departments in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS) Division and Medical Sciences Division. This advanced modular course […]

Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations (APHES)

4. Mai 2017

3rd July to 14th July 2017, Brussels, Belgium. This 2-week course aims to familiarize health professionals with epidemiological techniques to assess the health impact of disasters and conflicts on affected communities. Interactive classes will be given by international experts with extensive experience in humanitarian settings. These will be complemented by […]

Fachtag Sportmedizin 2017

3. Mai 2017

9. Juni 2017, Wien, Österreich. Der 4. Fachtag Sportmedizin findet am 9. Juni 2017 im Eagle HomeOne in Wien mit zahlreichen Expertinnen und Experten der Branche statt. Unter der wissenschaftlichen Kongressleitung von Prim. Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Anton Wicker diskutieren namhafte Referentinnen und Referenten dieses Jahr über die Bedeutung von Faszien […]

International Congress of Health Workforce Education & Research

3. Mai 2017

27th to 29th June 2017, Porto, Portugal. Hosted in collaboration with both the University of Porto and Ordem dos Medicos, the International Network for Health Workforce Education (INHWE) holds its congress once a year and it is the prime meeting place for international health workforce educators, researchers and policy makers. […]

UCL Health and Society Summer School: Social Determinants of Health

2. Mai 2017

3rd to 7th July 2017, London, United Kingdom. The one week non-residential UCL Health and Society summer school „Social Determinants of Health“ will be held from 3rd to 7th July 2017 at UCL in central London. The summer school is organised by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. It […]

ESGAR 2017: Precision and Performance in Abdominal Radiology

27. April 2017

20th to 23rd June 2017, Athens, Greece. Twenty-seven years after the first European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) Meeting in Crete in 1990, Greece is proud to host ESGAR 2017 in Athens. Year by year the ESGAR Annual Meeting has become more popular, more comprehensive, more innovative and more […]