Neuer E-Learning-Kurs: Antibiotika-Resistenzen vermeiden

13. Februar 2017

Mit diesem kostenlosen E-Learning Kurs werden gezielt MitarbeiterInnen der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit angesprochen. Egal ob Sie vor Ort im globalen Süden arbeiten oder in Deutschland zuständig sind für die Projektentwicklung oder das Projektmanagement. Das Thema Antibiotika-Resistenzen wird Ihnen im Bereich Landwirtschaft und Nutztierhaltung ebenso begegnen wie bei der ländlichen Entwicklung, beim […]

Communication Tip – Respectful language

9. Februar 2017

Respectful language makes communication more effective in many ways, since it prevents misunderstandings and conflicts. It also reassures patients that you see them as people who have personal and social needs as well as medical needs. Respectful language shows attention, uses descriptive words and is problem-oriented. Showing attention: you are […]

Teaching Public Health through EU lenses

9. Februar 2017

by Alessandra Lafranconi, Kevin Rieger, Katarzyna Czabanowska und Marco Parenti. Already a few years ago, mainly during cultural activities proposed at the School of Medicine of the University of Milano-Bicocca, a gap has been noticed: medical students are willing to study and discuss health policies and politics, but often do […]

Social Sciences and Medical Innovations: Making Health Public

9. Februar 2017

22nd to 24th May 2017, Tomsk, Russia. Tomsk State University invites you to participate in the Third International Conference Social Sciences & Health Innovations: Making Health Public. What exactly does the ‘public’ stand for in public health? Public refers to collectives and solidarities on a local, national and global scale. […]

6th Annual Global Healthcare Conference

9. Februar 2017

24th to 25th July 2017, Singapore. A healthy way of life should be every individual’s goal. However, healthcare privileges differ across societies, and it requires the combined efforts of the government, the private sector, the public and health workers themselves to ensure both the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services. […]

ECCE Summer Programme on Medicine

9. Februar 2017

10th July to 18th August 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. How often do medical students hear that they will understand the medical world and learn the most only after they enter the real world? It is no secret that out of all areas of education medicine is the most challenging. Universities can […]

Mit Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Angola

9. Februar 2017

Guten Tag aus Angola: Bom dia – obrigada! Auf „Guten Tag“ wird hier in Angola mit „Danke“ geantwortet. So wird einem täglich schon auf diese Art Dankbarkeit entgegen gebracht, ohne auch nur etwas getan zu haben. Aber zum „Nixtun“ sind wir ja nicht hergekommen. Das geplante Projekt hätte eigentlich eine […]

Symposium Humanitäre Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

9. Februar 2017

29. April 2017, München, Deutschland. Aktuelle Trends und neue Entwicklungen für Mediziner in der Humanitären Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Wer sich in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit oder der Humanitären Hilfe engagieren möchte und sich für die neuesten Strategien der internationalen Gesundheitsarbeit interessiert, sei herzlich zum nächsten UPDATE­ Symposium am 29. April 2017 nach München […]

eHealth Week 2017

9. Februar 2017

10th to 12th May 2017, St. Julian’s, Malta. The overarching theme of eHealth Week 2017 is Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable care. Data lies at the heart of service delivery and the development of effective health policy. During eHealth Week, speakers and delegates will explore the changing […]

10th EFR Congress

9. Februar 2017

20th to 22nd April 2017, Vienna, Austria. The 10th EFR – European Federation for coloRectal Cancer Congress held from April 20 – 22, 2017 at the Medical University of Vienna will address state-of-the-art multidisciplinary management of colorectal cancer. The optimal method to diagnose and treat this common cancer requires a multimodality approach: perspectives from […]