Universitätslehrgang Gesundheits- und Pflegepädagogik

7. Februar 2017

Start: Oktober 2017, Krems, Österreich. Neben der Aneignung von Wissen aus Bezugsdisziplinen werden aus dem bekannten Berufswissen theoretische Perspektiven entfaltet und diese wiederum auf die berufliche Praxis zurückbezogen. Die primären Ausbildungsziele des MSc-Universitätslehrgangs Gesundheits- und Pflegepädagogik sind die Entwicklung eines vertieften Verständnisses von Theorie und Praxis und der Erwerb der […]

PREPAREing for (Re-)Emerging Arbovirus Infections in Europe – ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course

7. Februar 2017

29th to 31st March 2017, Zagreb, Croatia.   The aim of the course is to improve the participant’s knowledge of identification and management of arbovirus infections and outbreaks at local and European levels. The course is part of PREPARE, a project aimed at strengthening European preparedness for (re-)emerging infectious disease outbreaks. […]

Introduction to Mathematical Models of the Epidemiology & Control of Infectious Diseases

6. Februar 2017

4th to 15th September 2017, London, United Kingdom. In recent years our understanding of infectious-disease epidemiology and control has been greatly increased through mathematical modelling. With infectious diseases frequently dominating news headlines, public health and pharmaceutical industry professionals, policy makers and infectious disease researchers increasingly need to understand the transmission […]

Der Doctopia EKG-Kurs

17. Januar 2017
Doctopia Logo

Wir freuen uns, den neuen Kurs unseres Kooperationsparteners Doctopia präsentieren zu dürfen: Der Doctopia EKG-Kurs bietet neben intuitiven Erklärvideos (mehr als 2,5 Stunden Abspieldauer) einen großen Fundus an mehr als 150 spannenden EKG-Fällen und hunderte Karteikarten und Multiple-Choice-Quizfragen. Die mehr als 20 EKG-Trainer-Module prüfen einzelne Befundungs-Skills (z.B. Erkennen des Lagetyps, […]

22. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung

13. Januar 2017

21. bis 23. April 2017, Linz, Österreich. Nach nunmehr 21 Veranstaltungen ist die Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung ein jährlicher Fixpunkt im Fortbildungskalender für reisemedizinisch interessiertes Fachpublikum (Ärzte, Apotheker, BMAs) geworden und bietet eine stets aktuelle und qualitativ hochwertige Ergänzung zu anderen Fortbildungen im Sektor Reise- und Tropenkrankheiten, Epidemiologie und Prophylaxe (mit […]

Oxford Paediatric Difficult Airway Workshop

13. Januar 2017

12th May 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom. The Paediatric Difficult Intubation Workshop is for trainees and consultants who anaesthetise children and wish to refresh and update skills in managing children with a difficult airway. The course aims to discuss the management of the anticipated and unanticipated paediatric difficult airway. The format […]

Graduate Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

13. Januar 2017

Start: 27th February 2017, Melbourne, Australia; Salaya, Thailand. Tropical regions, including the Asia-Pacific, are disproportionately burdened by infectious and parasitic disease with devastating impacts on health, livelihoods and security. In addition travelers may be affected by tropical diseases. Doctors generally receive little training in tropical health. The Graduate Diploma in […]

4th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

13. Januar 2017

20th to 22nd March 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. The Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) in collaboration with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) have the great pleasure to invite you to take part in the 4th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC4). The ITOC series of conferences is the premier meeting […]

Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE)

13. Januar 2017

To train and teach future health professionals SHE offers various Health Professions Education courses in 2017 for you. Health professions education lies at the basis of successful health care. Our future health professionals must be trained by professionals who have the vision, knowledge and skills to plan, deliver and improve […]

Europe’s biggest annual conference on health policy turns 20!

13. Januar 2017

While efforts to foster inter-sectoral cooperation on health have been successful at times, real challenges remain. The discussions at the European Health Forum Gastein 2017 will aim to dig deeper, taking the technocratic concept of Health in All Policies to the political level of policy implementation – Health in All […]