Global Citizenship Training in the Welsh NHS

14. Juli 2016

by Laurin Ellis, Malcolm Ward, Elodie Besnier. Introduction Wales, part of the four nations of the United Kingdom, has its own government which has responsibility for a range of policy areas,  meaning it can act autonomously from the central government, although international development is not a devolved area. Welsh Government […]

Hypertension Seoul 2016

7. Juli 2016

24th to 29th September 2016, Seoul, Korea. The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) will be held in Seoul, Korea in collaboration with the 12th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension (APSH) and the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Hypertension (KSH). The […]

What Works Global Summit 2016

7. Juli 2016

26th to 28th September 2016, London, United Kingdom. The What Works Global Summit (WWGS) is an international culture-shifting event, putting evidence at the heart of policy and practice. The conference will share experience from around the world and across sectors on measuring policy impact, use of evidence, promoting policy uptake, […]

Understanding Dementia

7. Juli 2016

Start: 30. August 2016, free online course. In response to the recent dramatic rise in the global incidence of dementia and the subsequent need for quality dementia education, this course is designed to provide understanding to improve the quality of life across the trajectory of dementia for people with the […]

36th ESSO Congress

7. Juli 2016

14th to 16th September 2016, Krakow, Poland. The 36th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in partnership with the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology will be held in Krakow. Focusing on bridging the disparity between minimum standards of care across Europe, the overarching theme of the Congress is ‘Optimising European […]

Wiener Gesundheitsförderungskonferenz 2016

7. Juli 2016

Gesunde Ernährung. Inspirationen für die Praxis der Gesundheitsförderung. Internationale ReferentInnen regen neue Zugänge und Ansätze für die Arbeit in der Gesundheitsförderung an. Im Rahmen der Konferenz wird auch die feierliche Verleihung des Wiener Gesundheitspreises 2016 stattfinden. Es erwarten Sie interessante Einblicke in die Vielfalt der Gesundheitsförderungsprojekte in Wien, spannende Vorträge […]

Workshops Sexualmedizin

30. Juni 2016

12. bis 16. September 2016, Wien, Österreich. Workshops finden im Rahmen der sexualmedizinischen Woche in Wien statt ÄrztInnen werden von ihren PatientInnen zu Themen, die ihr Fachgebiet betreffen, immer als die ersten AnsprechpartnerInnen für sexuelle Fragestellungen gesehen. Durch den Besuch dieser Workshops werden Sie auch zu kompetenten AnsprechpartnerInnen. Sie gewinnen […]

1. Pädiatrischer Hospiz- und Palliativkongress in Österreich

30. Juni 2016

14. bis 15. September 2016, Salzburg, Österreich. Der Dachverband Hospiz Österreich veranstaltet diesen Kongress in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde, der Österreichischen Palliativgesellschaft sowie dem Universitätslehrgang Palliative Care und damit auch jenem für Palliative Care in der Pädiatrie am 14. und 15. 9. 2016 im Bildungs- […]


30. Juni 2016 is a costless, exclusive online network, developed by and for healthcare professionals across the globe, audited by Deloitte Assuring Medical Apps. It is a secure substitute for WhatsApp combined with a medical LinkedIn and a customized E-Learning Database. Purpose Improving healthcare by sharing knowledge globally. Members can instantly share […]

Going International – special summer offer

29. Juni 2016

Going International has a “special summer offer” for all organizers who already plan for the next semester: Promote your upcoming courses, conferences and events with Going International and benefit from our attractive package prices. Book 3 adverts in the newsletter GI-Mail or on the GI-website and save 20%.   Our special offers for […]