Offline-App: WikiMed Medical Encyclopedia

24. Juli 2015

Welcome to Wikipedia’s Offline Medical Encyclopedia. This is a collection of all English health care content of Wikipedia. Work is ongoing to improve both the quality and depth of information. There are also efforts to translate this content into as many other languages as possible with our partners at Translators […]

Auseinandersetzungen souverän managen

28. Juli 2015

Internes Konfliktmanagement unter der Lupe Veröffentlicht in: personal manager – Zeitschrift für Human Resources | Ausgabe 1, Jänner/Februar; den im HR-Netzwerk eingestellten Originalartikel finden Sie hier. Diesen Beitrag können Sie hier als PDF-Datei herunterladen. Interessensunterschiede, einander widersprechende Ziele, Konkurrenzdruck, Urlaubseinteilung oder einfach nur falsch verstandene Aussagen – Konflikte sind im […]

Working together – for a healthy Europe!

24. Juli 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. High-level representatives and decision-makers from all over Europe and beyond, about 600 participants from all fields related to health policy making, a three day programme filled with invigorating discussions on how to keep Europe’s health systems secure and Europe’s citizens healthy. […]

Communication Tips – Directive Skills

28. Juli 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Directive Skills Part 1: Asking questions Directive skills are powerful tools in medical interaction. They include asking questions, asking for clarifications, providing a rationale and signposting. Asking good questions provides evidence that you are a good listener. As with all types of communication, it […]

Premedical Program (PREMED)

23. Juli 2015

Start: September 2015, Caribbean Medical University, Curacao, Caribbean. The Premedical Program is designed to provide students with the strong foundation needed to handle the rigorous course of study they will experience in the MD Program. Premed consists of 3 semesters (16 weeks each) and has been designed for high school graduates […]

Medical Research and Biotechnology

23. Juli 2015

Start: September 2015, Breda, Netherlands. Medical aspects of biology fascinate you. Study Medical Research and Biotechnology and you will develop into an international expert in biomedicine or biotechnology in two years. Insulin for diabetics used to be isolated from pigs. Not all patients respond well to this. Research is focussed […]

28th ECNP Congress

24. Juli 2015

29th August to 1st September 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The ECNP Congress is Europe’s largest meeting on applied and translational neuroscience. Annually it brings together between 5,000 and 7,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the science and treatment of disorders of […]

3rd European Health Literacy Conference

24. Juli 2015

17th to 19th November 2015, Brussels, Belgium. The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference will foster the exchange between researchers, practitioners and policy makers regarding health literacy during the life course, from various perspectives. During the Conference participants will share evidence-based actions and practices in the area of health literacy. The […]

The Word Brain – fast language learning

23. Juli 2015

A short guide to fast language learning – by Bernd Sebastian Kamps. How long does it take to learn a new language? How many words do you need to learn? Are languages within the reach of everybody? Which teachers should we avoid? These are some of the questions you ask […]

Länderinformation Norwegen

7. Juli 2015

Inhalt: 1. Das Gesundheitssystem 2. Arbeiten in Norwegen 3. Das medizinische Ausbildungssystem 4. Das medizinische Weiterbildungssystem 5. Arbeitsbedingungen und Entlohnung 6. Berufs- und Arbeitsmobilität in der EU – Rechtliche Bestimmungen 7. Anerkennung von Berufsdiplomen 8. Checkliste zur Vorbereitung Ihrer ärztlichen Tätigkeit 9. Tipps für Ihre Bewerbung 10. Anerkennung von Weiterbildungszeiten […]