Persönliche Eindrücke eines Fellowship in den USA von Dr. Marion Munk

9. Februar 2015

„Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht.“ (Franz Kafka) Persönliche Eindrücke eines Fellowship in den USA Auslandsaufenthalte („going international“) bringen stets sehr persönliche Erfahrungen mit sich. Sie öffnen die Augen, machen neugierig, erweitern den Erfahrungsschatz. Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, einen kleinen Einblick in meine Zeit in den USA zu […]

EHFG 2014 Conference Report

19. Februar 2015

European Health Forum Gastein 2014 Conference Report Electing health – the Europe we want! We are pleased to share the finalised Conference Report from last year’s EHFG with you. For those who took part as well as those who missed it, the report captures what happened during three eventful days […]

Communication Tips – Verbal Encouragement

25. Januar 2019

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Have you ever been in this situation? Not knowing how to comfort a patient in distress. Not remembering how to say or pronounce a word. Knowing the medical term, but not being […]

Workshops in the Socio Economic Evaluation of Medicines

23. Februar 2015

June to July 2015, York, UK The York Expert Workshops, run by the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, have been running successfully for over 20 years. Over this period, decision-makers‘ demands for information on the cost-effectiveness of health technologies have become more extensive and more sophisticated. At least seven European […]

7th International Conference of Evidence-based Healthcare Teachers & Developers

19. Februar 2015

28th to 31st October 2015, Taormina , Italy. Evidence for Sustainability of Health Care: increasing value, reducing waste The Conference aims to promote an evidence-based approach to sustainability of health services, where evidence should inform all health care decisions at every level (patients, health care professionals and policy-makers) and […]

Call for Submissions – APHA Global Public Health Film Festival

25. Februar 2015

Deadline: 24th April 2015 Meeting theme: Health in All Policies The Global Public Health Film Festival features public health films of all varieties (feature films, documentaries, narratives, public service announcements, educational videos, short clips, etc.) and related multimedia that demonstrate, educate, inspire, and encourage change for a healthier future. The […]

36. International Vascular Workshop

28. Januar 2015

1. bis 7. März 2015, Going am Wilden Kaiser, Österreich Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Gesellschaften für vaskuläre und endovaskuläre Chirurgie Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und des Österreichischen Verbands für Gefässmedizin Der 36. International Vascular Workshop wird traditionell im Tagungszentrum Stanglwirt in Going am Wilden Kaiser stattfinden. Wie gewohnt wurde kein Hauptthema definiert, […]

Study Health & Science PG Courses in London – Scholarships available

23. Januar 2015

September 2015, London, UK Do you want to understand how infectious diseases such as Ebola can be controlled? Are you concerned about healthcare issues in Europe? Do you want to improve health worldwide? Then join us at the London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the world-leading centre for research […]

Writing in the Sciences

28. Januar 2015

upcoming online course by Stanford Online About this course This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review. […]

17. Internationales Endoskopie Symposium Düsseldorf

18. November 2014

5. bis 7. Februar 2015, Düsseldorf, Deutschland „Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Ich freue mich, Sie herzlich zum 17. Düsseldorfer Internationalen Endoskopie Symposium einzuladen. Seit unserem ersten Symposium 1998 haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die neuesten Entwicklungen in der endoskopischen Bildgebung und minimal-invasiven Therapie bei gastrointestinalen und biliopankreatischen Erkrankungen […]