
18. November 2014

7. bis 12. Dezember 2014, Salzburg, Österreich       Der giftige Sport- Wieviel ist zu viel? Diese historisch gewachsene Veranstaltung hat es im Laufe ihrer Existenz geschafft, die zweite Generation an sportinteressierten MedizinerInnen und PhysiotherapeutInnen anzusprechen. Im letzten Jahr haben wir uns bemüht, gemeinsam mit der „Gesellschaft zur Förderung der interdisziplinären […]

The Gastein Health outcomes 2014

18. November 2014

Report from European Health Forum Gastein, 1st to 3rd October 2014, Bad Hofgastein, Austria The EHFG 2014 deliberately grasped the opportunity offered by the changing political context – with a new European Parliament, a new European Commission a new urgency in the WHO European Region, at a time of international […]

Basics in Pharmacoepidemiology

19. November 2014

online course, starting September 2015 Objectives – to understand how to evaluate the effects of medicines and therapeutic interventions both during drug development and clinical use. – to know the main methodological and ethical characteristics and limitations of randomized clinical trials. – to understand the differences between efficacy and effectiveness. […]

ESC Congress 2015

19. November 2014

29th August 2015 to 02nd September 2015, London, U.K. The European Society of Cardiology presents the world’s largest and most influential cardiovascular event. We look forward to welcoming you to ESC Congress 2015 where we will bring the fight against cardiovascular disease to the vibrant city of London. Our vision for ESC Congress […]

World AIDS Day 2014: Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment

19. November 2014

1 December 2014 On World AIDS Day 2014, the World Health Organization will issue new recommendations to help countries close important gaps in HIV prevention and treatment services. The guidelines will include advice on providing antiretroviral drugs for people who have been exposed to HIV – such as health workers, […]

Lehrgang Wundmanagement

22. Oktober 2014

Beginn Wintersemester 2015, Donau Universität Krems, Österreich Professionelles Wundmanagement ist eine Expertise der diplomierten Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege geworden. Im Kurz- und Langzeit- wie auch Homecare-Bereich bedarf es Pflegepersonen, die Patient/inn/en und Angehörige beraten und versorgen können, damit diese adäquate Unterstützung für das Leben mit einer Wunde und der Grunderkrankung erhalten. Wunden, die […]

Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Imaging

22. Oktober 2014

6th to 8th November 2014, Maastricht, Netherlands This course is designed for radiologists, radiation-oncologists, surgeons and all others involved or interested in obtaining knowledge on the multidisciplinary management of lung -, liver-, pancreatic- and rectal cancer. The goal is to understand each other’s specialty needs in a multidisciplinary environment. The […]

MSc Rechtspsychologie

22. Oktober 2014

Beginn Wintersemester 2015, Hamburg, Deutschland Dieses Studium an der Medical School Hamburg verfolgt das Ziel, die Studierenden in den Anwendungsfeldern der Rechtspsychologie zu qualifizieren. Die Rechtspsychologie stellt dabei den Oberbegriff einerseits für die Forensische Psychologie und andererseits für die Kriminalpsychologie dar. Besonderes Gewicht wird auf das Verständnis der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit […]

European Obesity Forum

22. Oktober 2014

26th – 28th November 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal Today in Europe obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Its prevalence has tripled in many countries of the WHO European Region since the 1980s, and the numbers of those affected continue to rise at an […]

7th European Public Health Conference

22. Oktober 2014

19th to 22nd November 2014, Glasgow, Scotland Mind the gap: Reducing inequalities in health and health care The EPH Conference aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering a means for exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in […]