Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for
COVID-19 Virus

29. September 2021

anytime, online. This course provides information on what facilities should be doing to be prepared to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the novel coronavirus, how to identify a case once it occurs, and how to properly implement IPC measures to ensure there is no […]

14th European Public Health Conference 2021

28. September 2021

10th to 12th November 2021, online. European public health has not had a good COVID strategy. Across Europe the public health response to the pandemic has been largely unsuccessful. This is despite an enormous amount of very hard work in public health units all across the EU. This reflects a […]

International Conference on Primary Healthcare
in Austria and Europe

27. Juli 2021

09th September 2021, online. The conference is co-organised by the European Commission, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Care and Consumer Protection and the European Health Forum Gastein and will be streamed online with live panel discussions hosted at the House of the European Union in Vienna. Save […]

6. Fachtag Ethik

26. Juli 2021

17. September 2021, Wien, Österreich. Liebe Damen und Herren, zum 6. Fachtag Ethik in Wien dürfen wir Sie herzlich einladen und willkommen heißen. Noch leben wir im Zeichen der alles bedrohenden Corona-Pandemie, doch wir halten an der Hoffnung fest, unsere Tagung auf die eine oder andere Weise durchführen zu können. Und […]

USMLE Step 1 Erfahrungsbericht

26. Juli 2021

von Daniel Mayr Die United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) ist eine dreiteilige Prüfung, die benötigt wird, um in den USA eine Facharztausbildungsstelle (Residency) anzutreten und später als Facharzt zu arbeiten. Ich habe den ersten Teil der Prüfung, den USMLE Step 1, im September 2020 absolviert. Motivierend war für mich […]

World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

22. Juli 2021

10th September 2021, worldwide. IASP is delighted to announce, after a worldwide consultation, the new theme for World Suicide Prevention Day 2021-2023: “Creating Hope Through Action”. World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was first launched in 2003 on 10 September by IASP with the endorsement of the World Health Organisation (WHO). […]

27. NPO-Kongress

22. Juli 2021
27. NPO-Kongress Jahresforum für NPOs, öffentliche Verwaltung, Stiftungen und Sozialunternehmen

20. bis 21. Oktober 2021, Wien, Österreich. Die Frage nach dem Warum – Sinn geben, Nachhaltigkeit sichern Im Rahmen des 27. NPO-Kongresses wird Nachhaltigkeit, in all ihren Facetten, mit dem Thema Sinnfindung, das aktuell an großer Bedeutung gewonnen hat, verschränkt und gesamthaft diskutiert. Wie entwickeln wir Strategien & Geschäftsmodelle möglichst […]

Humanitarian Congress Berlin

22. Juli 2021

18th to 21st October 2021, online. For more than 20 years, the Humanitarian Congress Berlin has been debating, analysing, evaluation and developing the theory and practice of humanitarian action. It brings together leading experts from medical and humanitarian organisations, governments, and the media, as well as young professionals interested in […]

V. International Conference on Mental Health Care
„Mental Health: Global Challenges of XXI Century“

22. Juli 2021

21st to 23rd October 2021, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. Mental Health Care (MHC) in the contemporary world has become a global problem with a number of negative consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental and behavioural disorders are extremely common and affect up to 25% of all people in […]

Fundamentals of Search & Rescue | Northumberland

22. Juli 2021
Ocean and Marine Medicine Training Course

14th to 17th October 2021, England. Through a unique partnership between WEM & Northumberland Mountain Rescue, we’re bringing you an exciting and challenging four-day course introducing you to the fundamental knowledge and skills required by search and rescue medical teams. Whether you’re interested in the work of SAR teams, looking […]