How I came to spend American Independence Day in Washington D.C.

23. Februar 2023

by Viktoria Wuketich. My Motivation I have always wanted to do medical rotations in the US. I decided to apply to different programs, and one of them was the Max Kade scholarship program. Some of the reasons I really wanted to experience the US medical system was because of the […]

EHFG 2023: Health systems in crisis – countering shockwaves and fatigue

23. Februar 2023

26th to 29th September 2023, Bad Hofgastein, Austria and online. EHFG 2023: Registration for the hybrid conference is open! The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is delighted to share with you the programme of the EHFG 2023 and announce that registration is open! This year’s hybrid edition, taking place from […]

Yalla Kairo! Kairo, die Stadt die niemals schläft

23. Februar 2023

von Belma Strugalioska. Im Sommer 2018 hatte ich mich entschlossen eine zweiwöchige Auslandsfamulatur in Kairo, der mit rund 21,75 Millionen EinwohnerInnen (Stand 2022) größten Stadt Afrikas zu wagen. Ich hege seit jeher ein Interesse für humanitäre Hilfsprojekte in Entwicklungsländern. Besonders die gemeinnützigen Hilfsorganisationen Licht für die Welt und Le Petit […]

Mein KPJ in Zürich

23. Februar 2023

von Sophia Koschatko. Warum für das KPJ nach Zürich? Schon während des Studiums habe ich mehrmals im Ausland famuliert, da es mich immer gereizt hat, an verschiedenen Standorten zu arbeiten. Ich fand es jedes Mal aufs Neue spannend, wie die Arbeitskultur selbst in benachbarten Ländern vollkommen unterschiedlich sein kann. Von […]

Experience report of the medical clerkship in Örebro (Sweden)

22. Februar 2023

by Julien Schneider. Sweden is a wonderful country with many small islands, pleasant summer days, friendly people, lots of tradition and beautiful cities. In addition, Sweden is highly respected worldwide for its healthcare system and medical education. These were just some of the reasons that made me decide to do […]

Global Humanitarian Overview 2023

16. Februar 2023

  Global trends After 20 years, forced displacement shows no sign of slowing. More than 1 per cent of the world’s population — or 103 million people — are displaced. About two thirds of refugees and asylum-seekers originate from countries with food crises, and nearly a quarter of all refugees […]

WHO launches new roadmap on breast cancer

14. Februar 2023
World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a new Global Breast Cancer Initiative Framework today providing a roadmap to attain the targets to save 2.5 million lives from breast cancer by 2040. The new Framework launched ahead of the World Cancer Day campaign marked tomorrow, recommends to countries to implement the three pillars […]

Science fact or fiction: Separating rheumatoid arthritis myths from facts

9. Februar 2023

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes joint inflammation and pain. It happens when the immune system doesn’t work properly and attacks the lining of the joints, called the synovium. The disease commonly affects the hands, knees or ankles, and usually the same joint on both sides of the body, such as both […]

Through My Eyes: Stem cell donation

8. Februar 2023

In our Through My Eyes series, we provide a platform for people to share how a particular medical condition has affected their life. By shining a spotlight on the physical and emotional, this series aims to raise awareness while providing practical advice and support to any readers who may be […]

Vienna Pain Academy 2023

7. Februar 2023

05. Mai 2023, Wien, Österreich. Im Namen von Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gustorff, DEAA möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zur Vienna Pain Academy am 05. Mai 2023 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Die Veranstaltung wird wie untenstehend zur Approbation eingereicht: Ärzt*innen: 9 medizinische DFP-Punkte Psycholog*innen: 8 BÖP Fortbildungseinheiten […]