In Conversation: Why climate change matters for human health

9. September 2022

The consensus among scientists is that we are in an era of global heating and extreme weather events, primarily due to the devastating effects of human action on the environment. Why are researchers concerned, and what are the implications for health? The Lancet Countdown team is a group of over […]

In Conversation: What is behind vaccine hesitancy?

9. September 2022

In a bid to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, public health experts have been pushing for a fast and effective vaccine rollout. However, some members of the public have been hesitant to take up vaccines. What happened, and is there something that science communicators keep […]

APHA 2022 — 150 Years of Creating the Healthiest Nation: Leading the Path Toward Equity

7. September 2022

6th to 9th November 2022, Boston, Massachusetts. Join us in Boston, Nov. 6 – 9 for APHA’s 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo and 150th anniversary celebration. The Meeting blends the legacy of APHA with innovative and exciting opportunities to help you reach your goals. Engage with public health experts, collaborate with other advocates and grow […]

32nd Alzheimer Europe Conference „Building bridges“

7. September 2022

17th to 19th October 2022, Bucharest, Romania. We are very happy to invite you to the 32nd Alzheimer Europe Conference which will be organised in collaboration with Societatea Română Alzheimer in Bucharest, Romania from 17 to 19 October 2022. This year’s conference will be held under the motto “Building bridges”. As […]

Fundamentals of Search & Rescue

7. September 2022

13th to 16th October 2022, Northumberland, UK. Get a glimpse inside the world of search and rescue with this one-of-a-kind four day course. You’ll experience a highly practical syllabus which we can bring to you thanks to an exclusive partnership with the Northumberland Mountain Rescue team who work with us […]

Addiction Medicine: An Introduction

7. September 2022

self-paced, online. An introduction to the science, neurobiology, and stigma surrounding addiction. Addiction is a disease that continues to cost the global community a staggering amount, both financially and in lives lost. Overcome the treatment barriers for patients with a substance use disorder Despite these consequences, patients with substance use disorders (SUD) […]

Fachtag Neuro.Psycho.Geriatrie 2022

7. September 2022

11. November 2022, Wien, Österreich. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, im Namen von Prim.a Hannelore Monschein, DGKP Markus Golla, BScN und Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerald Gatterer möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zum diesjährigen Fachtag Neuro.Psycho.Geriatrie am 11. November 2022 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Der diesjährige Fachtag beschäftigt sich […]

Digital Healthcare World Congress 2022

7. September 2022

29th to 30th November 2022, London, United Kingdom. Digital Health World Congress 2022 is tech digital healthcare conference in London Europe UK as forum for medical medicine mobile IoT IT industry events for biotech, ehealth, mhealth, healthtech, pharma. 2022 Keynotes & speakers We are excited to announce this years keynotes […]


7. September 2022

selbstbestimmtes Lernen, online. Dieses umfangreiche Online-Repetitorium enthält die wichtigsten Inhalte der Anatomie für Mediziner und Medizinstudenten. Insgesamt sind über 500 Videovorträge und mehr als 1.000 Quizfragen enthalten. Der Dozent ist bereits seit 1991 als Repetitor aktiv. Der Videokurs enthält unter anderem Lektionen über folgende Themen: Rücken Brust und Bauchwand Obere Extremität Untere Extremität Becken und […]

Umwelt und Gesundheit

7. September 2022

24. bis 25. Oktober und 17. November 2022, Basel, Schweiz. In diesem Modul analysieren Sie komplexe Problemstellungen aus dem Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit aus der Public-Health-Perspektive und setzen sich mit den besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei beobachtenden epidemiologischen Studien auseinander. Dazu interpretieren Sie die umweltepidemiologische Forschung und bewerten diese hinsichtlich ihrer gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen aus […]