8. Fachtag Medizinethik

12. Februar 2024

15. März 2024, Wien, Österreich und online. Herzliche Einladung zum 8. Fachtag Medizinethik der unter dem Hauptthema „Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Medizin & Pflege“ am 15.03.2024 in Wien & online stattfinden wird. Unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Schmidhuber, Professur für Health Care Ethics, Universität Graz und Univ.-Prof. Dr. […]

15th Training Course for Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

12. Februar 2024

15th to 18th September 2024, Innsbruck, Austria. Focus Valve 2023 was the most successful course in our history. We were happy to greet more than 260 participants from 40 different countries who were able to watch live surgeries, discuss and interact with masters of minimally invasive and endoscopic valve procedures. This year we keep […]

Neu auftretende Atemwegsviren, einschließlich COVID-19: Methoden zur Erkennung, Prävention, Reaktion und Kontrolle

12. Februar 2024

Self-paced, online. Coronaviren sind eine große Familie von Viren, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie Krankheiten verursachen, die von Erkältungen bis hin zu schwereren Erkrankungen wie dem Atemwegssyndrom im Nahen Osten (MERS) und dem schweren akuten Atemwegssyndrom (SARS) reichen. Ein neuartiges Coronavirus (COVID-19) wurde 2019 in Wuhan, China, identifiziert. Dabei […]

MBA and course offers in International Health Management

9. Februar 2024

Ongoing application (anytime), Allschwil, Switzerland and online. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Health Management is designed for professionals, who are passionate about global and public health and wish to develop strong management and leadership skills. Complete the full MBA programme at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health […]

BSc Public Health

9. Februar 2024

Year of entry: 2024, Distance/Blended Learning. The area of public health is a growing and important area and a career in this sector provides you with the chance to really make a difference to people’s lives and wellbeing. In choosing Manchester you can be confident you are receiving the most […]

European Conference on Interventional Oncology (ECIO) 2024

9. Februar 2024

28th April to 1st May 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. April might still seem far away, but we have already been busy putting together the programme for ECIO 2024. Home to the world’s biggest community of specialists for minimally invasive cancer care, our conference offers learning opportunities for interventional radiologists, […]

American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) 2024

7. Februar 2024

14th to 16th June 2024, Portland, Oregon. The American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) is a professional organization of physicians, cardiovascular sonographers, nurses and scientists involved in echocardiography, the use of ultrasound to image the heart and cardiovascular system. The organization was founded in 1975 and is the largest international organization […]

European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) 2024

7. Februar 2024

20th to 24th May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. On behalf of the Local Organising and the International Scientific Committees, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to the 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), scheduled to take place May 20-24, 2024. While we were looking […]

Digitalisation of health systems can significantly improve performance and outcomes

16. Januar 2024

Health systems in the OECD are under renewed financial pressure, owing to competing priorities for public funding, according to a new OECD report. The 2023 edition of OECD Health at a Glance estimates that healthcare spending in OECD countries corresponded to 9.2% of GDP in 2022, down from 9.7% in 2021. While […]

Health at a Glance 2023

16. Januar 2024

Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. These cover health status, risk factors for health, access to and quality of healthcare, and health system resources. Analysis draws from the latest comparable official national […]