Naples Elective

28. November 2019

by Marie-Sophie Kaltenbrunner. Some time ago I had the fantastic opportunity to spend three months in beautiful Italy. During my 5th year of medical school I decided to visit a great city in the south of Italy called Naples. I completed three months elective in the subjects Gynaecology, Ophthalmology/ENT and […]

Bone and Joint Infection Conference 2020

28. November 2019

6th to 7th March 2020, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. The Bone and Joint Infection Conference (BJI) is designed to bring together orthopaedic surgeons, infectious diseases physicians, clinical microbiologists and trainees in these fields to discuss the latest developments in the prevention, diagnosis and management of bone and joint infections. Similar meetings […]

Weckruf für die Ausbildung: Gesundheitsberufe der Zukunft – Fokus Interprofessionalität

22. November 2019

von Mag. Dr. Sylvia Öhlinger. Interprofessionalität ist für die Bewältigung der derzeitigen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen im Gesundheitssystem unumgänglich. Jedoch sind die Entwicklung und die Bedeutung von interprofessioneller Ausbildung und Zusammenarbeit in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich heterogen. Bereits der Lancet Report (2010) weist auf die Bedeutung und zunehmende Notwendigkeit zur […]

EHFG Hackathon 2019: Fighting Vaccine Hesitancy

11. November 2019

At the premises of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), held from 2-4 October in Bad Hofgastein, the Hackathon on vaccine hesitancy was conducted. Jointly organised with EIT Health, the second EHFG Hackathon call was open to experts from different sectors interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems. A […]

EuroEcho 2019

7. November 2019

4th to 7th December 2019, Vienna Austria. EuroEcho is the annual congress of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) and the world’s leading echocardiography congress. This year’s main themes will be Cardiomyopathies and Imaging in Acute Cardiac Care. The aim of EuroEcho will be to create an exciting forum, in which […]

13th Asia Pacific Travel Health Conference 2020

7. November 2019

18th to 21st March 2020, Auckland, New Zealand. The Asia Pacific Travel Health Conference (APTHS) will be 20 years old in 2020 and will build on their considerable past experience and promises an exciting program and successful conference, with topics especially pertinent to their region, but of interest to all. […]

Clinical Clerkship Radiology Berlin

4. November 2019

   by Alexander Pichler. From February to March 2018 I was doing a two-months clerkship at the Department of Radiology in the hospital Vivantes Klinik am Urban. This hospital is a part of the Vivantes Hospital Group and a teaching hospital of the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.I chose Berlin to become […]

ECDC Winter Workshop 2020 – The Science of Using Science to Support Policy Making for Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases

30. Oktober 2019

28th to 30th January, Stockholm, Sweden. The ECDC Winter Workshop 2020 will focus on “The science of using science to support policy making for prevention and control of communicable diseases”. The overall aim of this workshop is to strengthen capacity among public health specialists in Member States of the European […]