Beyond the Crossing: Female Genital Mutilation Across Borders

26. März 2020

Globally, it is estimated that at least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) in 30 countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda. The presented report from the United Nations Population Fund brings to light the cross-border dimension of FGM

The practice is generally rooted in traditional beliefs, values and attitudes and is valued in many countries as a rite of passage into womanhood and child marriage.

The report “Beyond the Crossing: Female genital mutilation across borders” brings to light the cross-border dimension of FGM. It describes the practice, as well as the socio factors and dynamics that contribute to FGM across borders, and presents the legal and policy frameworks, as well as the positive trends in programming aimed at eliminating FGM. The report concludes by suggesting a series of recommendations to address cross-border FGM practice, which requires bringing together regional-level solutions and inter-country programmes.

Here you can download the report for free.

Published in GI-Mail 04/2020 (English edition).