BMJ Careers Fair

15. September 2016

21st to 22nd October 2016, London, United Kingdom.

logo_bmjBMJ Careers Fair addresses doctors from all sectors, including primary and secondary care, industry and commercial, research and academic. As well as courses covering CV writing, interview skills, career planning and much more, delegates can also visit exhibition stands to receive careers advice, find a new job and identify alternative career pathways. The programme offers possibilities for every career stage.

Free access to an exhibition showcasing over 80 exhibitors
Choose from over 45 careers related seminars from preparing CVs and application forms, interview skills and choosing a specialty (A two day seminar pass is priced at £35).
Consistently high satisfaction rates – last year 89% of delegates said they achieved their objectives in attending the Fair.


Why attend the BMJ Careers Fair

View the below video to find out what delegates got out of the 2015 BMJ Careers Fair.


General Information

21st to 22nd October 2016

Business Design Centre
Islington London


Please click here for online registration and registration fees.

Find detailed information about the BMJ Careers Fair on the official website.


Published in GI-Mail 09/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.

Tip: More up to date information can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.