Call for tender for the evaluation of „Aktion Deutschland Hilft”

17. Mai 2017

Appeal to support the population affected by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti.

On 4 October 2016, Hurricane Matthew violently struck Haiti and affected at least 20 percent of the territory mainly in Grande-Anse and Sud Departments, as well as Nippes, Sud-Est, Ouest and Nord Ouest Departments. Being a category 4 hurricane and with wind speeds up to 250 km/h, it was one of the strongest to take place the last decade.

Since the beginning of 2017 the organisations are – among others – focusing on the rehabilitation of health care centres and schools, and are running livelihood and disaster risk reduction (DRR) projects to foster and enhance community resilience.


The evaluation will cover following two core areas:

(1) Relevance and effectiveness of disaster risk management programmes and guidelines since 2010

(2) Impact and sustainability of projects with DRR components mainstreaming resilience of the affected population


Expected timeframe Activities Deadlines
Call for CVs, references and work samples of at least one recent evaluation report of a humanitarian programme including DRR components 28 May 2017
Closing date for applications (only short-listed candidates) 20 June 2017
Recruitment of evaluation team 30 June 2017
Kick-off workshop 11 / 13 July 2017 (1 day)
Inception report 3 days after the kick-off workshop
Evaluation phase including draft evaluation report Until end of August 2017, exact date to be confirmed
Debriefing workshop Beginning of September 2017 (1 day), exact date to be confirmed
Finalisation and submission of evaluation report including translation into French Will be agreed at the debriefing workshop


You can download the full information here.


Published in GI-Mail 05/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

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