Communication Tip – Respectful language

9. Februar 2017

nom-eu-logoRespectful language makes communication more effective in many ways, since it prevents misunderstandings and conflicts. It also reassures patients that you see them as people who have personal and social needs as well as medical needs.

Respectful language shows attention, uses descriptive words and is problem-oriented.

  • Showing attention: you are interested and engaged in what is being said, which is also a sign of respect. Showing attention is an important part of active listening (discussed May 2014 and May 2016).
  • Using descriptive words, and not judgmental words, allows you to ask questions and collect information in a way that makes a patient feel respected and comfortable, rather than judged.
  • Problem-oriented language focuses on the patient’s medical issue, in a way that is clear and understandable to them. Here, a stepwise approach is often helpful.  A stepwise approach involves approaching a problem in steps or phases, and providing optional statements with a rationale.



Instead of saying: Your blood pressure is up. I will prescribe you some tablets. Take one a day. (controlling)

You should say: I think your blood pressure needs treatment. Here is a leaflet on the topic. I would like you to come back to discuss the treatment once you have had the chance to look it over. (more tactful using a problem-oriented stepwise approach)

For more information, tips and examples, click here.Communication-for-Professionals-logo

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Published in GI-Mail 02/2017 (English + German edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

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