DIGICARE FORUM – The Digital Side of Healthcare

12th April 2016, Brussels, Belgium.


What is the rationale for this initiative?

Digital revolution is radically changing how European citizens are living and facing their social and health care habits: a recent eurobarometer survey showed that 6 out of 10 Europeans had looked for their health information on the internet in 2014.

On the other side, private industries (digital players, pharma & medical device industries) are investing tons of MM€ to provide solutions for telemedicine, mobile health and services in the area of health care.

Last but not least: governments, institutions, medical  associations and health care providers (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) are trying to find a way to manage and facilitate the impact of these new tools and technology on their budgets or on their professional lives.

The rationale for this seminar is to provide a cross road to discuss key “hot topics” that are going to involve the above key stakeholders in the near future and coagulate different interests around the huge potential to use the digital power to improve the health care of European citizens and future patients.


Who will be there ?

We are inviting a strong body of expertise in digital communication applied to health care, such as:

  • Leading experts in international digital communication
  • Key decision-making experts in the health governance
  • Health care professionals and medical associations
  • Digital, pharma & medical devices companies to present their success stories
  • Opinionists and representatives from qualified press


What are the contents of this seminar?

We are building up a program divided into four main sessions:

  • Communication in health care, which includes citizens‘ & patients‘ point of view
  • Digital health care management, oriented to HCP, CME and ethical/legal challenges
  • Health care companies and digital communication, round table with CEOs & executives
  • Digital communication workshop, a space to design the digital job of the future in health care


What is the profile of the expected attendee for this seminar?

This is a meeting created for people working or willing to work in the future in the area of digital communication applied to the health care both in public and in private institutions & industries.

The seminar is the first that would set up the stage to become an annual occasion to have all these different stakeholders around the same table and the first year it will be strictly limited to the first 100 attendees that will confirm their participation.


What is the structure and the formula of the seminar?

Qualified speakers will deliver their contribution and the audience will be able to interact with the faculty during and after the seminar.

We will also offer different opportunities for sponsorship to the different private industries (speaker’s dinner, meet-the-expert breakfast session, presence in the different round tables as speakers, exhibition, etc).


Who is going to endorse and organize this event ?AIM_group_bild

The DigiCare Euroseminar is organized by AIM Group International, Glocal Solutions and VanGogh. They are international private players working in the area of life science events/congresses, association management and digital communication.

We are asking for the free endorsement of public institutions relevant for this initiative (such as the EU Commission for Health Care or the representatives of doctors & pharmacists in the EU).


For more information, please visit the website.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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