Disclosing Unanticipated Medical Outcomes: Train-the-trainer

14. September 2016

24th to 26th October 2016, Victoria, BC, USA.

ihc_logo-690x3131When there are adverse events and outcomes in a patient’s care, providers’ responses have a powerful effect on all the parties’ ability to communicate about and resolve the situation satisfactorily. Accrediting bodies, professional organizations, state legislatures and research findings all encourage forthrightness when there has been a disappointing outcome.

Effective communication that leads to a satisfactory resolution in these painful situations involves four considerations:

  • the ethics involved
  • the need for psychological healing
  • the understanding of legal requirements
  • the tort system and recognition of the business/economic consequences


To help organizations and individual training professionals develop the perspectives and skills needed to address these considerations, IHC has created a series of programs of varying intensity and depth for practicing clinicians, risk managers, administrators and others who will be involved in helping to communicate about and ultimately resolve these situations with patients and families.

As part of an effort to disseminate effective communication around disclosure and build organizations’ professional development capacity, IHC offers this intensive three-day course for individuals who will teach Disclosing Unanticipated Medical Outcomes (DUMO) workshops. Participants in this DUMO faculty development course may seek certification as IHC faculty members. Only certified IHC faculty members may teach the copyrighted DUMO curriculum.


General information

Date: 24th to 26th October 2016

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, USA

Duration: 3 Days

Accreditation: Accredited by ACCME

Application: For information on the application please click here.

Price: $ 3,900

Course Information: For more information on the course please download the PDF 


Published in GI-Mail 09/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.