East African Clinical Tropical Medicine Course

7. September 2023

15th to 26th January 2024, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The East African Clinical Tropical Medicine Course in Kampala, Uganda, is aimed at health care professionals with experience and/or a special interest in clinical tropical medicine, infectious and emerging diseases and refugee health. This course is offered in collaboration with the Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, the Mayo Clinic, and the University of Minnesota.



Applications are currently open. Preference will be given to applications received by August 18th 2023.

Cost and Payment

Course cost is $3495.00 (50% of the fee is due upon acceptance, final payment is due on October 7th 2023). If an individual cancels prior to December 8th 2023 they will receive 50% of fee as a refund. If the course is cancelled due to COVID-19, or other unanticipated event, all course fees will be refunded.

A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to course participants from low and lower-middle income countries as defined by WHO who can demonstrate need. Please indicate your interest in being considered for a scholarship on the application.

Course Size

Limited to 28 participants to maximize the small-group learning environment. Early applications are encouraged due to high demand.


Preference is given to health care providers who are enrolled, or plan to enroll, in the online UMN Global Health Course and plan to complete the CTropMed training®.  Experience  in clinical tropical medicine, infectious and emerging diseases and refugee health is desired although those with special interests but limited experience will be considered on an individual basis. Applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and levels of training will be encouraged.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit

CME is to be determined. Email radic011@umn.edu if you have questions.


The East African Clinical Tropical Medicine Course will apply the essence of the University of Minnesota live Global Health Course and translate it into an East African context. Participation in the EACTM course will fulfill the hands-on requirements to complete the UMN Global Health Course and to qualify to sit for the American Society of Travel Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) CTropMed® examination.

The course will emphasize experiential learning by immersing students in the clinical and public health issues in an East African setting including hands-on experiences in various inpatient and outpatient units, laboratory sessions, bedside ultrasound, and with field trip/s (e.g. to a refugee camp, a working local isolation unit, and the Zika forest).  The content will focus on clinical tropical medicine, infectious and emerging diseases and refugee health. Group sessions will be led by experienced Ugandan and visiting faculty. Participants will gain insight into the practical realities of healthcare, and challenges of public health in East Africa. We intend the course to prepare participants for a broad range of health work in resource-limited settings.

The course will consist of a combination of didactic lectures, laboratory demonstrations, skills workshops, and case presentations during hospital rounds. Lectures, skills workshops, and demonstrations will involve the entire group. Clinical rounds will take place daily in small groups in a variety of settings that include both adult and pediatric patients.  Required pre-course online modules (~15 hours) will be provided to participants not already enrolled in the full UMN Global Health Course so individuals arrive with a baseline knowledge.

General Information
Date: 15th to 26th January 2024

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail mm/yyyy (English edition).

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