weekly courses until 2015, Würzburg, Germany
First Level Training / Pre-deployment Training
The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to evolve in alarming ways. The most effective means to contain the outbreak involves setting up Ebola Treatment Centres and isolation units, and managing them according to international standards and guidelines.
The primary purpose of the two-day Ebola: Management and Training pre-deployment course is to ensure that field workers have sufficient knowledge of how to provide care to Ebola patients and ensure their own personal safety.
The course is based on the syllabus of trainings developed by Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). It is suitable for doctors, nurses and water/sanitation specialists, logisticians and other professionals working in high risk environments.

Ebola: Management & Treatment © J. Butenop/MI
The course will cover the following:
– Basic facts about the current outbreak and Ebola Virus Disease
– Symptoms and transmission
– Disease management
– Management of Ebola Treatment Centres (ETC)
– Personal protective equipment (PPE): getting dressed and undressed
– Barrier nursing
– Logistics of disinfection, chlorine solution
– Real-life case simulations (in a tent)
The course is being offered at least once per week as of 20.10.2014 til early December 2014. Courses will continue in 2015, depending on requests.

Ebola: Management & Treatment © J. Butenop/MI
Please enquire about the next course dates and vacant seats through the contact form!
- Start: Day 1: 09.00 hrs
- End: Day 2: 18.00 hrs
- The course will be conducted as a real-life scenario in Würzburg, Germany.
Via Email (and soon via online registration) info@ebolatraining.org
Medical Mission Institute Würzburg
Ebola Training Team
Hermann-Schell-Str. 7
97074 Würzburg

Ebola: Management & Treatment © J. Butenop/MI
The course language is English. Please visit www.ebolatraining.org for more information and registration. To access the most comprehensive toolbox for Ebola in the internet, please check www.medbox.org, a service also offered by the MMI.
Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.