14th to 16th June 2016, Porto, Portugal.
Hosted by University of Porto, the 2016 EHMA Annual Conference „New Models of Care. Reinventing healthcare: why, what, how“ will be held at the exclusive home of Ordem dos Médicos in Porto, Portugal.
About the event
EHMA Annual Conference is an international knowledge sharing event. It is a meeting place where, according to EHMA’s vision statement evidence, challenge and experience are valued and the „unthinkable“ can be discussed. Participants coming from all around Europe and beyond will have the opportunity to bring and share their knowledge – derived from academic work and practical experience – and explore fundamental managerial and policy issues.
EHMA 2016 Annual Conference will bring together policy makers, health managers, health professionals, educators and heads of research programmes. Our conference is characterised by international speakers and high quality presentations together with an informal and relaxed atmosphere. We work hard to ensure an informal atmosphere that facilitates networking.
About the 2016 Theme
Healthcare systems worldwide are experiencing a „new normal“ as they face challenges that will characterise the next decade and beyond. The scale and complexity of these challenges is daunting. Tackling them cannot be done through doing the same things faster or „better“. We urgently require new models, approaches, paradigms and solutions. Some are already emerging in practice. Some are being envisioned. All need to be circulated, discussed and tested. Medicine and healthcare are changing, nothing will stay the same.
General Information
08:00 – 17:00
Greenwich Time
Rua de Delfim Maia 405
Porto 4200-256
Matteo Vezzosi
e-mail: Matteo.Vezzosi@ehma.org
If you are interested, find more information on registration & fees here.
Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.