EpidM Winter Courses in Epidemiology 2018

12. Oktober 2017

15th to 31st January 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

In 2018 EpidM (Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam) organizes for the sixth time the Winter Courses in Epidemiology. From 15th to 31st January 2018 EpidM offers a very interesting program which covers courses in Mixed Model Analysis, Clinimetrics, Clinical Prediction Models and Missing Data.

The EpidM Winter Courses in Epidemiology-program in January 2018 provides a unique possibility to follow advanced level epidemiology and applied biostatistics courses while experiencing the beautiful city of Amsterdam or the beautiful surroundings of the Conference Hotel in Soesterberg in winter time.

One of the strengths of these courses is the combination of lectures and computer practicals, which allows participants to put into practice in the afternoon what they have learned in the morning. The courses are taught by highly experienced teachers, some of whom have written their own best-selling textbooks which are used as course material.


If you sign up for more than one course in the winter program, you will be offered a reduced fee on all your chosen courses.

The following courses are part of the EpidM Winter Courses:

General Information
Date15th to 31st January 2018

Location: Amsterdam and Soesterberg

Fees: For more information on tuition fees click here.

To get an overview of the courses click here.

Find more information on the courses here.

Published in GI-Mail 10/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.