European Health Award 2015: Shortlist announced!

30th September to 02nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

Six cross-border health projects have now been short-listed for the prestigious European Health Award 2015. They cover topics such as migrant health, mental health, evidence-based health promotion, the European Patients‘ Rights Directive 2011/24/EU, TeleMedicine, cross-border inpatient treatment, and promotion of nutrition and physical activity. The prize-winner will be chosen by a panel of leading health experts, and the award presented at the European Health Forum Gastein, 30th September – 02nd October 2015.

The Award 2015 includes prize money of €10.000 and is sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and FOPI, which brings together Austria’s research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. It honours projects and initiatives aiming to improve public health or health care in Europe. The criteria: More than one European country should be involved, it should be innovative and sustainable, and results should be transferable to other states while addressing a significant health threat and thus benefitting relatively large patient groups.

“The point of this award is to promote intelligent and effective initiatives and encourage the development of projects that lend themselves to effective trans-national cooperation,” said Prof Helmut Brand, President of the International Forum Gastein. “At this year’s EHFG we will be discussing topics such as sustainable health systems and health security, including health threat responses, European development aid and health policy development. We will reflect again on the overarching question on how to maintain and improve the health of European citizens. The European Health Award contributes to this theme by rewarding and highlighting projects that are sustainable, innovative, multi-country and breaking new boundaries in their attempts to improve health in Europe.”

Last year’s award went to the EpiSouth Plus Project, which is aimed at increasing health security in the Mediterranean Area and Balkans by enhancing preparedness to threats, which can affect health security, and to bio-security risks at national/regional levels in the framework of International Health Regulation implementation.

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Mag. Ingo Raimon (President FOPI), Dr Peter Brosch (BMG), Dr Marie Roseline Belizaire and Massimo Fabiani (EpiSouth Plus Project, Award winners 2014), Dr Günther Leiner (Honorary President IFG)

Short List 2015:

Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe (Germany, Austria)
ProYouth Initiative (Germany, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, France, Turkey)
Examination of the policy-making process behind the adoption of the European Patients‘ Rights Directive, 2011/24/EU and its subsequent implementation in selected member states (Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria)
KSYOS TeleMedical Centre (Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, France, Spain, Switzerland)
Cross-border care for children with psychiatric disorders (Germany, the German speaking community of Belgium)
Nutrition and Physical Activity without Borders (Denmark, Germany)

18th European Health Forum Gastein

Securing Health in Europe

Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities

30th September – 02 ndOctober 2015 in Bad Hofgastein, Austria


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