Main Theme of the 19th European Health Forum Gastein

12. Februar 2016

28th to 30th September 2016, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

The main theme for the 19th European Health Forum Gastein has been announced:EHG_Forum_Bild1

Demographics and Diversity in Europe – New Solutions for Health

It is no news that life expectancy at birth keeps increasing – on average by three to four months each year in OECD countries – and that fertility rates have experienced a more or less steady downward trend in EU Member States over the past decades. This, coupled with a variety of other phenomena of demographic change like internal and external migration and ensuing greater societal diversity, means that European health systems have to adapt to new contexts.

How can we best manage the increasing diversity in populations and address workforce challenges such as the „brain drain“ on the health systems of those countries experiencing high migration? What measures can we take to make innovative health care accessible for everyone, in all Member States? And, with all the discussions about the challenges of demographic change, what are advantages and opportunities?

Questions related to intergenerational responsibilities, of how to satisfy and finance increasing demand for care, of how to address cultural differences in the perception of health and ensure and safeguard equitable access to healthcare are on the table – and may seem daunting at first.

We thus invite you to join us at the EHFG 2016 to discuss these and other issues. By proactively considering possible pitfalls and highlighting its often neglected potential we can influence the (health) outcomes of demographic change.


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Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.