Europe’s biggest annual conference on health policy turns 20!

13. Januar 2017


While efforts to foster inter-sectoral cooperation on health have been successful at times, real challenges remain. The discussions at the European Health Forum Gastein 2017 will aim to dig deeper, taking the technocratic concept of Health in All Policies to the political level of policy implementation – Health in All Politics.

A better future for Europe? European (indeed global) politics is currently at a crossroads with a rise in support for populist, authoritarian politicians coupled with post-factual democracy. The impact of such politics on health could be (negatively) transformative, be it in a direct manner – e.g. on health access – or indirectly, through channels such as climate change, migration, and trade and the championing of big business. Peace and democratic stability, arguably the major achievement of the European project, are at the forefront of concerns for European citizens. Health diplomacy can potentially contribute to the continuity of peace in Europe.

Throughout its history, discussions at the EHFG have been guided by the European values of universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity. The challenge to the EHFG on its twentieth anniversary is to build bridges between the different policy areas, and we invite you to explore recommendations for action on some of the most pressing political, economic and social concerns of our time.

20th European Health Forum Gastein

Health in All Politics – a better future for Europe

4-6 OCTOBER 2017 in Bad Hofgastein, Austria


Do you want to find out what was discussed in Gastein last autumn? Have a look at conference report, outcomes, and of course our movies.

Zsuzsanna Jakab WHO Regional Director for Europe at #EHFG2016

Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, during the #EHFG2016

Fotos: © framez. / EHFG


Published in GI-Mail 01/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.