Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

28. Februar 2019

13th to 16th May 2019, Plas y Brenin, United Kingdom.

An exciting 4-day Expedition and Wilderness Medicine course, which aims to open up the world of expedition medicine to all medical professionals and help you mix adventure into your career, will take place in Plas y Brenin, Wales. It is designed to be the most comprehensive 4-day introductory training course a medic can be part of. Our expert faculty blend engaging lecture content with hands on practical skills essential to all expedition medics.

During the first 3 days of the course your time will be split 50/50 between lectures and practical group work, the evenings will vary between socialising, challenge tasks and special guest lectures. The final day will focus on a search and rescue scenario where you will combine your skills to locate, rescue, treat and evacuate a casualty.

Course content

  • Pre-expedition planning
  • Pre-existing & common conditions
  • Public health
  • Security on expeditions
  • Medico-legal issues
  • Altitude environments
  • Cold environments
  • Hot environments
  • Tropical medicine overview

and much more.

General Information
15th to 16th May 2019

The National Mountain Sports Centre
Play y Brenin
Capel Curig
LL24 0ET

For more information visit the course website.

Published in GI-Mail 03/2019 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.