Gender, Ethnicity & Mental Health

14. November 2013





13th December 2013, London, United Kingdom

This one day conference will critically examine and debate the role of Gender and Ethnicity and its impact on Mental Health, so we can become more inclusive of these factors in practice and service delivery.

This one day conference will bring together clinicians who have experience in providing social care interventions across fields. Learning points and good practice will be shared. The challenges experienced and possible limitations will also discussed via anonymised case vignettes.

Who should attend?
This conference will be relevant to all professionals in the field of Mental Health and Social Care, including those from Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the UK, Social Workers, Approved Mental Health Professionals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Early Intervention Teams, CPN’s, OT’s, Chaplains, Community Faith Leaders & Healers, Equality Leads, Community Development Workers, Service User Representatives, Charities, Third Sector, Educational Establishments, Academics and Policy makers.

This Event is organized by the Ethnic Health Initiave. EHI is a dynamic voluntary sector social enterprise providing education, health and well being programmes in the community.

Programme overview

9.20am – 9.40am
Professor Ravinder Barn
Gender, Ethnicity and Mental Health: Setting the Scene

Professor Laura Serrant-Green
Mental Health, Racialised and Gendered Identities: “Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired”

10.30am – 11.20am
Professor Paula Nicolson 
Gender, Ethnicity and Leadership at Work: Revisiting the Tavistock Model

11.40am – 12.30pm
Professor Shula Ramon
Empowering Women and Providers: Domestic Violence and Mental Health

1.50pm – 2.40pm
Dr Jennie Williams
Setting the Gender Agenda for Mental Health Services

3.00pm – 3.50pm
Professor Kathryn Abel
Why Should We Treat Women in Psychiatric Care Differently?

Download the conference brochure.

Prices are set as:
Statutory Organisation: £195.00
Charity/Voluntary/Other: £175.00
Students: £60

Find the Booking form here.

Osmani Trust
Osmani Centre
58 Underwood Road
London E1 5AW

Ahmed Qureshi

(Conference Co-ordinator)
Tel: 07540 356 526


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with “Mental Health” can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.