Start: 27th February 2017, Melbourne, Australia; Salaya, Thailand.
Tropical regions, including the Asia-Pacific, are disproportionately burdened by infectious and parasitic disease with devastating impacts on health, livelihoods and security. In addition travelers may be affected by tropical diseases. Doctors generally receive little training in tropical health. The Graduate Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) has been designed to interweave the tradition of tropical disease studies with contemporary fundamentals for today’s practitioners of tropical and travelers‘ health.
The course is delivered through four key components:
- A foundational online subject
- Four weeks on campus in Melbourne covering the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of tropical disease, addressing underlying determinants of health, travel medicine and global health approaches with special attention given to health in resource-constrained settings
- Four weeks in Thailand gaining vital hands-on laboratory, clinical and field experience
- A capstone subject to ensure students consolidate their new knowledge and skills in a real workplace setting relevant to tropical disease
Who can apply?
Medical graduates or academic Nursing graduates with 5 years experience in clinical tropical health
1 year full-time
Fees and Scholarships
$17,600 AUD
Fee-reduction scholarships are available and application is incorporated into the course application.
Find more information on the Graduate Diploma here.
Published in GI-Mail 01/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.
Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.