Health Systems Methods and Current Research – 3rd Edition

24. April 2015
ISPUP-Instituto-Saude-publica-unversidade-do-porto150x11515th to 17th June 2015, Porto, Portugal
The third international health systems seminar at the University of Porto will focus on methods and current research. Leading global scholars together with experts from Portugal will present the latest methodological developments and current research.

Drawing on the new Health Policy and Systems Research: A Methodology Reader and the Health Systems Global symposia on health systems research (, the seminar aims to provide a basis to better understand how to strengthen the quality of health policy and systems research as well as health systems themselves.

Ideas, experiences and evidence will be presented each day at the Institute of Public Health, University of Porto. Join us for three days as we debate, discuss and uncover why health systems strengthening continue to be a major issue globally.

You can download the detailed promgramme as a PDF file here.
Find all information on the website of the Institute of Public Health, University of Porto.

General Information
Observations: the course will be held in English
Tuition fee: 200 €
(40% discount for students from University of Porto, University of Copenhagen, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and ISGlobal)
Schedule: Monday: 9h00 – 17h30;
Tuesday: 9h00 – 17h15;
Wednesday: 9h00 – 12h30

Register here for Health systems methods and current research.

Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.