International Congress on Innovative Approaches on Head & Neck Oncology (ICHNO) 2019

14th to 16th March 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

This biennial congress promises once again to provide a unique platform for the dissemination of the most relevant and cutting-edge science and innovation in the field of head and neck oncology. This congress has been shaping up to be a major international event in promoting multidisciplinarity in this oncology field.

The format of the meeting will include prestigious invited „state of the art lectures“, lectures on the latest innovative approaches, proffered papers and poster presentations of new data in the field of head and neck oncology.

The programme will be enriched by pro- and contra-debates and interactive tumour board sessions, where the audience will have the possibility to participate and share their input via an electronic voting system. Ample time will be given for discussions to allow an in-depth interaction among various disciplines and participants.

Following topics will be covered:

  • new insights in the epidemiology and preven­tion of head and neck cancer;
  • oncogenesis, HPV related cancers, immuno­logy and vaccination;
  • updated results of practice changing rando­mised trials;
  • multidisciplinary management of head and neck cancers;
  • molecular targeted therapies and molecular imaging;
  • novel radiation and surgical treatments;
  • individualised management of head and neck cancer;
  • robotics and minimally invasive surgery

and many more.

General Information
Date: 14th to 16th March 2019

Fira Barcelona
Avda. Reina Maria Cristina
08004 Barcelona

You can find more information on the congress website.

Published in GI-Mail 11/2018 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.





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