Introduction to Epidemiology

16th to 20th October 2017, Rome, Italy.

From 16th to 20th October 2017 the course „Introduction to Epidemiology“ will take place in Rome, Italy. Public health and clinical research goals depend heavily on epidemiologic research. This introductory course in epidemiologic methods aims to provide participants with insight into the principles and techniques used to produce and interpret epidemiologic data.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to apply a range of epidemiologic concepts to their research; to assess the reliability of published epidemiologic research; and to interpret the results. The course may also serve as a useful refresher for those already trained in epidemiology or public health.

Course Content
This course will present the conceptual foundations of epidemiologic research, and the methodologic approaches that stem from these conceptual foundations. The course objective is to unify the approach to epidemiologic research around a coherent set of concepts. Specific topics will include a discussion of a general model of causation, causal inference, measurement of disease frequency and exposure effects, the principles of epidemiologic study design, cohort studies, case-control studies, the principles of epidemiologic data analysis, the assessment and control of confounding factors, stratified analysis, multivariable analysis, the evaluation of interaction, and the evaluation of dose-response trends. The course will include group discussions of published epidemiologic studies and computer laboratory exercises. (Reference text: Epidemiology: An Introduction, by KJ Rothman.)

Who can attend
Graduates from schools of medicine, biology, dentistry, statistics, mathematics, social and health sciences are eligible. The courses might be open to participants of other parallel courses.
Some basic knowledge of epidemiology and statistics is recommended. A good command of both written and spoken English is required. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop to the course.


General Information

Date: 16th to 20th October 2017

Centro Congressi Europa – Sala Germania
Faculty of Medicine „A. Gemelli“
Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Francesco Vito, 1- 00168 Rome

Fees: €1300

Application: For information on the application click here.

Find more information on the course here.

Published in GI-Mail 08/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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