Master Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health

21. Oktober 2015

Start: September 2016, online course.


The field of nutritional epidemiology and public health aims at elucidating the relationships between dietary intake, nutritional status and health outcomes. We train future epidemiologists in observational and intervention studies, with the aim of finding novel ways to preventing disease and promoting health. This will be based on studying the aetiology of diet related diseases (from a biomedical perspective), the strategies for prevention in the community setting (from a behavioural and environmental perspective) and treatment in the curative setting (from a clinical perspective). In this way, epidemiology strengthens the understanding of maintaining good health and disease aetiology, and helps quantify the impact of public health interventions on individual and environmental outcomes.

The online master specialisation is designed for part time study (approx. 20 hrs/week) to combine work and study in the context of Life-Long-Learning. A course-programme of 2 years will be followed by a tailor-made internship and Master thesis. During the courses you will closely collaborate with lecturers, tutors and fellow distance learning students on a virtual learning platform. The course programme includes a short stay of one week on Wageningen Campus together with all other students in this programme. There may be options to organise the academic internship and Master thesis in your own professional context, either part-time or full-time.

You can already apply for the next start of the online master programmes in September 2016. You can find a step-by-step guide to the application for the online master here.


– Observational Designs and Assessment of Validity (HNE-32403)

– Intermediate Analytical Epidemiology: Confounding and Effect Measure Modification (HNE-32903)

– Advanced Analytical Epidemiology (HNE-33403)

– Assessment of Nutritional Status (HNE-33903)

– Assessment of Dietary Intake (HNE-34403)

– Evaluation of Dietary Assessment Methods (HNE-34903)

– Evaluation of Public Health Interventions (HNE-35403)

– Integration of Evidence II (HNE-35903)

– Continuous Course (YEI-61812)

– Introduction Descriptive Epidemiology and Public Health (HNE-28303)

– Introduction Analytical Epidemiology and Public Health (HNE-28803)

– Integration of Evidence I (HNE-30403)

– Epidemiology and Public Health Policies (HNE-30903)

– Public Health Intervention Planning (HNE-31403)

– Advanced Statistics for Distance Learning (MAT-25303)

– Randomised Controlled Trials: Design and Analysis (HNE-31903)

– Introduction Nutritional Physiology (HAP-32303)

– Continuous Course (YEI-61812)

– Master thesis

– Academic internship

General information

September 2016

Course language:


Register here.

Find the official website here.


Tip: More up to date educational events regarding „Public Health“ can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.