Master of Public Health at UNSW Sydney

20. Juni 2016

Start: Spring 2017, Sydney, Australia.

Program Description

The Master of Public Health (MPH) at UNSW Sydney is widely recognised as essential for a career in population health, including health promotion, primary health care, policy formulation, research, and management of health programs. Many of our graduates occupy key positions in health departments, non-government organisations and universities in Australia and internationally.

Program Objectives

The Public Health program provides preparation for education, research and service in all aspects of public health. The program includes study in epidemiology, biostatistics, quantitative and qualitative research methods, health promotion, health policy and health services management, as well as many topical public health issues. It is designed to address the continuing education needs of specialists in public health as well as providing an orientation to public health issues and methods for health professionals.



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Program Structure

The program consists of the following components, for a total of 8 courses comprising 48 units of credit:

  • Core courses – 3 courses comprising 18 units of credit
  • Elective courses – 5 courses comprising 30 units of credit

Students from non English-speaking countries who have not previously completed a degree in Australia or other English-speaking country are also required to take the additional core course PHCM9100 Academic Practice in their first semester of enrolment. This course is also available to all other students to assist in gaining maximum benefit from their study. It is made available at no charge to students and does not contribute to the UOC requirements of the degree.

Mode of Delivery

The MPH program can be undertaken either full-time or part-time. Courses are offered internally on campus with face-to-face teaching, or externally by distance mode using online teaching. All core courses may be taken fully in external mode. For some elective courses, there are compulsory workshops. All workshops are held at a residential school on campus, twice a year, one week before each semester starts in February/March and July. In addition to Semester 1 and Semester 2 workshops, there are a number of workshops offered for elective courses during the Summer Term in mid November/early December. As attendance at residential school is a compulsory requirement for some elective courses, please make sure that you check your course timetable to see which days you are required to attend.


The Masters’ program articulates with the Graduate Diploma and the Graduate Certificate. Credit for courses completed as part of the Graduate Diploma and the Graduate Certificate may be transferred to the Master’s program in accordance with the UNSW policy on credit transfer.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are required to have either an undergraduate degree or higher degree in a health-related or public health-related discipline* and one of the following:

1. Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health-related or public health-related discipline; orUNSW-Australia-150x157
2.Two years full-time professional experience in a health-related or public health-related discipline, including as a volunteer in a health or public health organisation, or equivalent professional experience acquired as part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years duration (e.g. MBBS,  Bachelor of Nursing,)

3.In exceptional circumstances, applications will be considered for entry where the applicant has extensive professional health or public health experience but does not hold a formal qualification in a relevant discipline. (e.g Nurses, Paramedics).

[*Examples include medicine, nursing, allied health, health sciences, biomedical sciences, behavioural and social sciences, human services, environmental health, veterinary science, health administration and management, biostatistics, health economics.]


Find more information about the Master of Public Health here.

Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.