8th to 10th March 2023, Paris, France.
ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course
To understand all the current aspects of measles in the 21th century, to provide an up-to-date assessment on the feasibility of measles eradication, to identify the optimal strategies to be implemented for measles eradication and to provide a plan to be implemented in view of measles eradication.

Target Audience
Postgraduate-level medical professionals interested in measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases.
Registration Procedure
Register on the ESCMID website at www.escmid.org/education by 1 February 2023.
Registration Fee
Onsite attendance:
EUR 350 for ESCMID members
EUR 480 for all others
Online attendance:
EUR 80 for ESCMID members
EUR 140 for all others
The fees cover the access to the course materials, 3 days of lunch and coffee breaks. It also includes access to all the recordings of the course. Travel and hotel reservations are not included.
A list of hotels and hostels will provided.
Attendance Grants
ESCMID provides a number of attendance grants for ESCMID “young scientist members”. The grant covers the registration fee, but not travel or accommodation costs. Please apply via the ESCMID website at www.escmid.org/ education before 8 January 2023. Applicants will be informed about their acceptance by 19 January 2023.
Date: 8th to 10th March 2023 Location: For more information and detailed program visit the website.
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
292 Rue Saint-Martin
75003 Paris
Published in GI-Mail 10/2022 (English edition).
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