The Swedish Education System:
The medical education is practically oriented and lasts around 5½ years. Young physicians have to complete the Allmäntjänstgöring (AT) which takes 18 to 21 months and includes the disciplines internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry and general medicine. You complete the AT with an exam and receive a license to practise as a doctor.
Further Education:
After receiving your license you have to specialize in a certain field which takes another 5 years – like in most other EU countries.
Specialiseringstjänstgöring (ST): are the positions where you specialize in a certain field. It’s not easy to get a spot as a foreign physician as they are all taken most of the time. Tip for Austrian trainees: it takes 5 years to become a general physician.
Job Search:
In order to work as a physician in Sweden the Swedish license is required, which you receive after the Allmäntjänstgöring.
The most important contact is the federal employment agency. There are many possibilities for physicians in Sweden in all parts of the country. Most vacancies are in the rural north where anaesthesiologists, radiologists and psychiatrists are needed. But there are also many interesting possibilities for assistant physicians.
In order to apply for a position in Sweden you have to apply for a license at the „Socialstyrelsen“ (Directorate-General of health and social services).
Checklist documents:
– PhD
– Diploma of medical specialist
– EU-Conformity declaration
– Certificate of good standing or Certificate of non registration
– Curriculum Vitae
– Passport copy and proof of nationality
– Character reference
– Health certificate
All documents that aren’t in English need to be translated and notarized.
Read some testimonials here:
„Medical education in Sweden is a very good alternative to the medical education in Germany or Austria„…read more.
Working in Sweden as a physician is „highly recommended“…read more on the website „Schwedenerleben“
Event of the Marburger Bund:
Medicine International – Worldwide Career Opportunities at Medicine International on 21 September 2013, Cologne…more information can be found here.
Important and Interesting websites:
The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)
Central Office of Health, Education and Quality Control
Sveriges läkarförbund (Swedish Medical Association)
Information and Leisure Portal for Sweden Fans, Tourists, Students and Immigrants
Swedish Embassies und Consulates in Berlin, Bern and Vienna
Working in Sweden means regulated working hours, team work as well as time off
Working as a doctor in Sweden; foreign doctors have good chances in Sweden; free language courses are offered.
Testimonials on AT (in Swedish)
‚Arbetsförmedlingen’ is a Swedish employment agency
EURES is the European job mobility portal
Find more information on the topic working abroad here.
Tip: Inform yourself about educational opportunities and further training in Europe or worldwide. In the “Country facts” section you will also find important addresses and personal accounts.
More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.