NEW event: AppGASTEIN 2016

11. August 2016

AppGastein_200On 27 September we will reach out to a relatively new community within the healthcare sector: the app developers. Before the European Health Forum Gastein 2016 opens its doors, this will be a unique and new opportunity for multi-stakeholder consulting – with a specific aim.

AppGASTEIN 2016: “Here to stay? Health apps and their place in European health systems” will map out some of the grey areas of the mHealth landscape. How much regulation is needed in order to smoothly integrate health apps into daily medical practice, while securing patients‘ safety and allowing doctors to feel confident about recommending, prescribing or monitoring the use of apps? What is the right amount of guidance and guidelines that may help app developers optimise their work processes and products, without overregulating and stifling innovation? The catalogue of stakeholders and questions is long, and the EU has already embarked on disentangling some of the priorities we should, or should not, set when it comes to welcoming health apps to European healthcare systems. The Green Paper on mobile health has prompted 211 responses from countries across the EU and beyond, and produced two working groups: one on the Code of Conduct on privacy for mHealth apps and one on assessment guidelines (evaluation criteria).

One afternoon is just long enough to take a step back and see where we are in terms of answering this catalogue of questions. With a subject matter so full of legal grey areas and problems unique to the rapidly developing field of mHealth it is all the more important to get all stakeholders at the same table. Thus, our aim for the first AppGastein satellite event: bring the benefits of our four pillar approach to the mhealth sector and allow policy makers, industry and research representatives as well as patient organisations to work with app developers on usable solutions that help ease the burden on European health systems.

For the programme of AppGASTEIN please click here.
If you want to register for AppGASTEIN, please click here.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.