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Public Health Research in Palliative Care: Shifting the Paradigm

30. Juli 2018

25th to 26th October 2018, Brussels, Belgium. On 25th and 26th October 2018, the EAPC (European Association for Palliative Care) Reference Group on Public Health and Palliative Care and EAPC RN (Research Network) will hold their first international seminar on Public Health Research in Palliative Care in Brussels. The title of […]

3rd Annual Surgical Pathology Update: Diagnostic Pearls for the Practicing Pathologist

25. Juli 2018

1st to 3rd November 2018, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. This seminar is meant to provide the practicing pathologist with an up-to-date and comprehensive review of a variety of topics in surgical pathology and cytopathology including gastrointestinal, genitourinary, soft tissue, gynecologic and dermato-pathology. In some areas, emphasis will be placed on correlation […]

Risk communication for influenza events

25. Juli 2018

Start: anytime, online course. Risk communication, including community engagement and social mobilisation, is a core capacity for emergency response that all countries should have in order to respond to health threats. It is an essential component of an effective response to a health threat such as pandemic and seasonal influenza. […]

International Conference on Migration Health

24. Juli 2018

1st to 3rd October 2018, Rome, Italy. International migration is a global phenomenon that is growing in scope, complexity and impact. Human migration is now at an all-time high, accounting for 245 million people and is shaping world events and fuelling political and public debates. People have been migrating since […]

Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems

19. Juli 2018

29th to 31st October 2018, Berlin, Germany.   Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) was introduced in the 20th century and was initially regarded as a “heroic” attempt to save patients’ lives. In the 21st century, however, it has evolved into a standard treatment for acute and chronic heart failure. The number […]

Allgemeinmedizin Update Refresher

19. Juli 2018

7. bis 10. November 2018, Wien, Österreich Der Allgemeinmedizin Update Refresher zählt mit insgesamt zwölf Terminen im deutschsprachigen Raum pro Jahr und über 3000 teilnehmenden ÄrztInnen zu einer der größten und beliebtesten allgemeinmedizinischen Fortbildungen. In kurzen, 20 – 40 minütigen Vorträgen werden die neuesten diagnostischen und therapeutischen Leitlinien der Allgemeinmedizin von Spezialisten präsentiert […]

Trackling Complexity in Medicine and Public Health Using Large Databases

12. Juli 2018

22nd to 25th October 2018, Rome, Italy. This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the theoretical foundation and practical skills necessary to apply qualitative methods for population health research. There is no previous knowledge of qualitative research needed. All participants are welcome, including public health professionals, graduate students […]

5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie 2018

5. Juli 2018

6. Oktober 2018, Wien, Österreich. Der 5. Kongress Ganzheitliche Schmerztherapie findet am 6.10.2018 unter dem Hauptthema „Schmerz im höheren Lebensalter“ statt. Infolge der stetigen Zunahme des Anteils von Personen über 65 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung, werden künftig chronische Schmerzzustände – vor allem diejenigen, die auf degenerative Prozesse zurückzuführen sind – […]

What to expect from the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) 2018?

4. Juli 2018

3d to 5th October 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria 2018 is a big year for health. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and with it the very right to health itself, celebrates 70 years of existence, while other key health milestones such as the Tallinn Charter and Alma-Ata celebrate their anniversaries. […]

Ihr Studium zum Erfolg – Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft

29. Juni 2018
Master-Studium Pflegewissenschaft an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol

Beginn: Herbst 2018, Hall in Tirol, Österreich. Das Department für Pflegewissenschaft und Gerontologie an der UMIT in Hall in Tirol bietet mit dem Masterstudium Pflegewissenschaft eine fundierte pflegewissenschaftliche und zugleich auch pflegefachspezifische Ausbildung. Im Rahmen des Studiums können Sie bereits erworbene Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten vertiefen. Im Schwerpunkt Advanced Nursing Practice […]