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Diabetes Kongress 2018

31. Januar 2018

09. bis 12. Mai 2018, Berlin, Deutschland. Die Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) lädt zum 53. Frühjahrskongress vom 9. bis 12. Mai 2018 nach Berlin ein. Das Motto „Wissenschaft und klinischer Fortschritt – gemeinsam in die Zukunft“ spiegelt die feste Überzeugung wider, dass ein wirklicher Fortschritt in der Behandlung und Versorgung […]

Health at a Glance 2017

31. Januar 2018

This new edition of Health at a Glance presents the most recent comparable data on the health status of populations and health system performance in OECD countries. Where possible, it also reports data for partner countries (Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, Russian Federation and South Africa). The data presented […]

The 9th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment

31. Januar 2018

27th to 29th June 2018, Seoul, Korea. INCHES is an international network that promotes children’s health and environment. This requires protecting them from harmful environmental exposures. That is our mission! Which ideas come to your mind when you think about this? Which questions? What can we do better? From June 27-29, […]

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health

31. Januar 2018

17th to 19th May 2018, Edinburgh, UK. The MERH 2018 Congress is hosted by an independent, non-profit making company working under the auspices of The University of Edinburgh, the European Public Health Association and NHS Health Scotland. We intend to deliver you a memorable, affordable, academic and social programme in one […]

European Health Forum Gastein – Conference Report 2017

12. Januar 2018

To kickstart the new year and remind us of what to focus on, we are happy to share the EHFG 2017 Conference Report with you. The event covered various aspects of how to make Health in All Policies a political reality. Below you can find an excerpt of one of our […]

Gynaecologist – female personnel only – Use Your Skills In A Challenging Environment

10. Januar 2018

Important facts This role requires complete and autonomous management (including surgical procedures) in both Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and considerable experience in carrying out ultrasound. Background and organisation of work The international Gynaecologist coordinates, supervises and works alongside the local personnel (over 30 nurses and midwives) in the treatment of gynaecological […]

Anaesthetist – Use Your Skills In A Challenging Environment

10. Januar 2018

Important facts This role requires complete and autonomous management of critical patients in emergency situations and the provision of anaesthetic care perioperatively and in Intensive Care. Background and organisation of work The international Anaesthetist is responsible for the clinical management of the Intensive Care Unit. He/She will work as part […]

Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us

8. Januar 2018

Start: anytime, online course. The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital signs so that you will develop a […]

Spring School of Global Health 2018

8. Januar 2018

9th to 13th April 2018, Geneva, Switzerland. Spring School of Global Health 2018 – the unique and flexible structure of the one week program allows participants to gain a comprehensive knowledge base in global health while providing a strong global health focused platform to engage and strengthen professional networks. Participants of […]

2nd World Heart Congress

5. Januar 2018

14th to 16th May 2018, Tokyo, Japan. Conference Series LLC welcomes you to attend the 2nd World Heart Congress held during May 14-16, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan with the theme “A Changed Outlook in Cardiology and Healthcare.” This international meeting (Heart Congress 2018) anticipates hundreds of delegates including keynote speakers, oral […]