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5. International Symposium on Complications in GI Endoscopy

4. August 2017

2nd November 2017, Hamburg, Germany. Being committed endoscopists, we are all concerned that even minor invasive procedures may have side effects which might result in a so-called complication. The evolving advances, not only in image quality but also in invasive or surgical concepts and in patient care, need a permanent […]

Causal Inference Course

3. August 2017

18th to 22nd September 2017, Menorca, Spain. The 1st meeting of the International Programme of Advanced Epidemiology and Statistics introduces the Causal Inference course which includes three modules: Causal inference with directed graphs, Causal mediation and interaction analysis, and Methods to deal with attrition and missing data. The goal of […]

Incident Management System

3. August 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. The free online course is designed as an interactive learning experience, built around individual learning modules. Students will be expected to actively engage in all online sessions and immerse themselves in the course content. All sessions are geared towards enabling the staff to be able to […]

Introduction to Epidemiology

2. August 2017

16th to 20th October 2017, Rome, Italy. From 16th to 20th October 2017 the course „Introduction to Epidemiology“ will take place in Rome, Italy. Public health and clinical research goals depend heavily on epidemiologic research. This introductory course in epidemiologic methods aims to provide participants with insight into the principles […]

Lehrgang MSc Advanced Nursing Practice

2. August 2017

Start: 23. Oktober 2017, Krems, Österreich. Mit „Advanced Nursing Practice“ (ANP) wird bereits seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert die „fortgeschrittene“ Pflege in den USA umschrieben. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sie zunehmend auch in Europa ihren Stellenwert erhalten. Sie steht für eine Pflegepraxis, die durch Spezialisierung, direkten klinischen Praxisbezug und […]

European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE)

2. August 2017

6th to 8th November 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. ​ESCAIDE, the European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology, is a three-day annual scientific conference, open to the wider communicable disease surveillance community. It gathers around 500 – 600 professionals across all fields related to applied epidemiology. This includes, but is not limited to, epidemiologists, […]

45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

1. August 2017

8th to 12th October 2017, Denver, CO, USA. The 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN 2017) offers an engaging scientific program with contributions from world renowned scientists specialized in the area of Pediatric Neurosurgery. ISPN 2017 will be the place for improving world-wide cooperative study […]

Updates in Integrative Medicine and Health 2017

1. August 2017

9th to 11th November 2017, Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA. The explosive growth of Integrative Medicine has brought both – opportunities and challenges to patients and consumers. Patients are confronted with a bewildering and growing array of promises and claims. This presents a unique challenge to physicians and other health care […]

Umwelt und Gesundheit

1. August 2017

30. bis 31. Oktober 2017 und 22. November 2017, Basel, Schweiz.         In diesem Kurs analysieren Sie komplexe Problemstellungen aus dem Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit aus der Public-Health-Perspektive und setzen sich mit den besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der entsprechenden Forschung auseinander. Dazu identifizieren Sie nationale und internationale Datenquellen […]

9th International Symposium: Global Mental Health – Mental Health in Developing Countries

31. Juli 2017

27th to 28th October 2017, Munich, Germany. The International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), the Global Mental Health Group from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Center for International Health CIHLMU, are organizing the 9th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – […]