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22. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung

13. Januar 2017

21. bis 23. April 2017, Linz, Österreich. Nach nunmehr 21 Veranstaltungen ist die Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung ein jährlicher Fixpunkt im Fortbildungskalender für reisemedizinisch interessiertes Fachpublikum (Ärzte, Apotheker, BMAs) geworden und bietet eine stets aktuelle und qualitativ hochwertige Ergänzung zu anderen Fortbildungen im Sektor Reise- und Tropenkrankheiten, Epidemiologie und Prophylaxe (mit […]

Oxford Paediatric Difficult Airway Workshop

13. Januar 2017

12th May 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom. The Paediatric Difficult Intubation Workshop is for trainees and consultants who anaesthetise children and wish to refresh and update skills in managing children with a difficult airway. The course aims to discuss the management of the anticipated and unanticipated paediatric difficult airway. The format […]

Graduate Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

13. Januar 2017

Start: 27th February 2017, Melbourne, Australia; Salaya, Thailand. Tropical regions, including the Asia-Pacific, are disproportionately burdened by infectious and parasitic disease with devastating impacts on health, livelihoods and security. In addition travelers may be affected by tropical diseases. Doctors generally receive little training in tropical health. The Graduate Diploma in […]

4th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

13. Januar 2017

20th to 22nd March 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. The Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) in collaboration with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) have the great pleasure to invite you to take part in the 4th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC4). The ITOC series of conferences is the premier meeting […]

Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE)

13. Januar 2017

To train and teach future health professionals SHE offers various Health Professions Education courses in 2017 for you. Health professions education lies at the basis of successful health care. Our future health professionals must be trained by professionals who have the vision, knowledge and skills to plan, deliver and improve […]

Europe’s biggest annual conference on health policy turns 20!

13. Januar 2017

While efforts to foster inter-sectoral cooperation on health have been successful at times, real challenges remain. The discussions at the European Health Forum Gastein 2017 will aim to dig deeper, taking the technocratic concept of Health in All Policies to the political level of policy implementation – Health in All […]


12. Januar 2017

By The New England Journal of Medicine. NEJM This WeekApp A free iPhone and iPod Touch app that provides medical professionals with access to recent articles and a selection of images, audio, and video. Dowload NEJM This Week from the App Store.   NEJM Image Challenge App This app brings […]

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

11. Januar 2017

Open Day: 1st February 2017, London, United Kingdom. Are you interested in health-related study programmes that cover topics including the effects of displaced populations and recent disease epidemics? These issues cannot be tackled by any one discipline, and here at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, we bring together a vast […]

SINGAPORE ELECTIVE – experience report by Milena Nikolic

10. Januar 2017

During my 5th year of medical school, I completed a one-month elective in the subject of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the National University of Singapore (NUS), in KK Women’s and Children’s hospital. As 5th and 6th year medical students at the Medical university of Vienna we had the option of […]

Communication Tips – Appropriate Verbal Communication

19. Dezember 2016

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Active listening is an important skill in a […]