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24th Biennial EACR Congress

10. Mai 2016

9th to 12th July 2016, Manchester, United Kingdom. The theme of the 24th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR24) is ‘From Basic Research to Precision Medicine’. Precision medicine is an emerging important concept in cancer research and treatment today, and the congress will feature world-class speakers […]

28th International Congress of Pediatrics

10. Mai 2016

17th to 22nd August 2016, Vancouver, Canada. The International Pediatric Association (IPA) and its 168 member organizations invite to join the 28th International Pediatric Congress in Vancouver. This year’s conference theme, “Community, Diversity, Vitality,” reflects both the host city and the scope of the scientific program.   The program features […]

As economy booms, children toil in Myanmar

10. Mai 2016

by Hnin Yadana Zaw and Soe Zeya Tun. When a boat stacked with gravel moors at a jetty in Yangon, 14-year-old Aung Htet Myat fills a basket he then carries on his back to trucks that whisk the load to construction sites springing up across Myanmar’s booming biggest city. For […]

Topics in Emergency Medicine

10. Mai 2016

18th to 21st July 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA. Program Purpose The practitioner of emergency medicine must possess evidence-based scientific background for competent clinical practice; maintain state-of-the-art knowledge of the specialty and all additional related disciplines; maintain an up-to-the-minute armamentarium of knowledge and skills for the selection and use of complex […]

Update Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers‘ Health

10. Mai 2016

25th to 27th September 2016, Houston, TX, USA.   ASTMH has developed this course as an update in the essential components of tropical medicine and travelers‘ health. This two-day meeting is designed for physicians and for all other health care providers working in tropical medicine or travelers‘ health. Speakers are […]

Young Gasteiners‘ articles are Going International

5. Mai 2020

Going International will offer members of the „Young Forum Gastein“ the possibility to publicize their scientific articles in the newsletter GI-Mail & on the education platform GOING INTERNATIONAL in order to reach a broad public health community. The authors may also publish additional related links, recommended reading, and information about […]

Anatomie eines Mordes: Wie responsives Webdesign das Gesicht des Internets, wie wir es kennen, veränderte.

15. April 2016

DIGITALER HEALTH-CHECK FÜR GOING-INTERNATIONAL-USER. dsgn&cde bietet Ihnen exklusiv einen kostenlosen »health-check« Ihrer Webseite. Füllen Sie das Einreichungsformular aus und erhalten Sie umgehend Ihre Testergebnisse. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme! Die Art und Weise, wie wir das Internet nutzen, hat sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre stark verändert und auch die Technologien, […]

Kommunikation ist die neue Dienstleistung

15. April 2016

07. Juni 2016, Wien, Österreich. Das Center for Health and Migration und Going International »medicine & health« laden Sie zur Veranstaltung „Kommunikation ist die neue Dienstleistung“ ein. Die Einladung richtet sich an Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsplaner und Gesundheitsforscher. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Veranstaltung wird das Thema Kommunikation stehen. Kommunikation spielt unter anderem […]

What does the EHFG team do in April? Being lazy? Certainly not!

15. April 2016

We have just sent out our Conference Report of the European Health Forum Gastein 2015 on „Securing health in Europe. Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities“. Topics included migration, access to high-priced medicine, patient empowerment, the opportunities and dangers of big data in health, and many more. If you do not feel […]

TB Alliance – Annual Report

11. April 2016

Tuberculosis – A Global Threat Tuberculosis (TB) is a global disease, found in every country in the world. It is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that two billion people – one third of the world’s population – are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), […]