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ITOC – 3rd Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Munich, Germany.   ITOC (Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference) is the European meeting intended to provide a platform for preclinical and clinical researchers in the field of immunotherapy. The conference will offer a wide range of opportunities and tools to gain exposure to experts in various disciplines […]

ÖÄK Diplomkurs Genetik – Block 9+10

5. Januar 2016

04. bis 05. März 2016, Wien, Österreich. In diesem Kurs werden Grundlagen in Humangenetik/ medizinischer Genetik vermittelt, die eine Basis für eine weitere vertiefende Ausbildung darstellen. Damit soll der rasanten Entwicklung der Humangenetik, die zum Bestandteil aller Sonderfächer der Medizin geworden ist, in breiter Form Rechnung getragen werden. Das Seminar […]

Public Health Challenges: A Look Back, a Look Ahead

15. Dezember 2015

The end of 2015 is slowly approaching, and it surely has been a memorable year, both for European politics in general and for healthcare politics on a national and international level. The predominant topic on policy-makers’ agendas, especially during the last months, has been the refugee crisis.   The challenges […]

Communication Tips: Directive Skills Part 4: The Language of a Good Question

14. Dezember 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Directive skills are powerful tools in medical […]

Symptom-based Integrated Approach to the Adult in Primary Care – Primary Care 101

10. Dezember 2015

  What is Primary Care 101? Primary Care 101 is a symptom-based integrated clinical management guideline using an algorithmic approach for the management of common symptoms and chronic conditions in adults. The guidelines are intended for use by all health care practitioners working at primary care level in South Africa. […]

World Malaria Report 2015

10. Dezember 2015

The World Malaria Report 2015 summarizes information received from malaria-endemic countries and other sources, and updates the analyses presented in the 2014 report. The World Malaria Report is WHO’s flagship malaria publication, released each year in December. It assesses global and regional malaria trends, highlights progress towards global targets, and describes opportunities […]

Master Tropical and Infectious Diseases

10. Dezember 2015

Autumn 2016, Nairobi, Kenya.  The Masters course in Tropical and Infectious Diseases is designed to address one aspect in the control process by training personnel who will form core infectious disease control teams consisting of physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, epidemiologists and biologists capable of predicting disease outbreak, carrying out disease […]

36. Deutscher Pankreasclub

10. Dezember 2015

18. bis 20. Februar 2016, Freising, Deutschland. Der Deutsche Pankreasclub hat sich als wichtige nationale Plattform für interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Austausch in der Pankreatologie etabliert. Die moderne Pankreatologie ist durch den Trend einer zunehmenden Interdisziplinarität gekennzeichnet. Um diesem Trend Rechnung zu tragen und interdisziplinäre Diskussion zu ermöglichen, werden Referenten […]

PREPAREing for (Re-)Emerging Arbovirus Infections in Eurooe – ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course

9. Dezember 2015

7th – 9th March 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.   The aim of the course is to improve the participant’s knowledge of identification and management of arbovirus infections and outbreaks at local and European levels. The course is part of PREPARE, a project aimed at strengthening European preparedness for (re-)emerging infectious disease […]

PE Extrem – Innovative Personalentwicklung in außergewöhnlichen Kontexten

9. Dezember 2015

28. Jänner 2016, Wien, Österreich. Exzellente und qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsarbeit macht uns zu dem was wir sind – eine der führenden medizinischen Universitäten weltweit. Die MedUni Wien ist eine hochmoderne Forschungseinrichtung mit historischen Wurzeln, auf die wir seit über 650 Jahren zu Recht stolz sein dürfen. Gemeinsam mit Prof. Markus […]